
334 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{
future::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt},
use oneshot::error::TryRecvError;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, timeout::Timeout, util::BoxService, Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_network as zn;
use zebra_state as zs;
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use zebra_chain::block::{self, Block};
use zebra_consensus::chain::VerifyChainError;
use zebra_network::AddressBook;
// Re-use the syncer timeouts for consistency.
2020-11-19 09:55:06 -08:00
mod downloads;
use downloads::Downloads;
type Outbound = Buffer<BoxService<zn::Request, zn::Response, zn::BoxError>, zn::Request>;
type State = Buffer<BoxService<zs::Request, zs::Response, zs::BoxError>, zs::Request>;
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type Verifier = Buffer<BoxService<Arc<Block>, block::Hash, VerifyChainError>, Arc<Block>>;
type InboundDownloads = Downloads<Timeout<Outbound>, Timeout<Verifier>, State>;
pub type NetworkSetupData = (Outbound, Arc<Mutex<AddressBook>>);
/// Tracks the internal state of the [`Inbound`] service during network setup.
pub enum Setup {
/// Waiting for network setup to complete.
/// Requests that depend on Zebra's internal network setup are ignored.
/// Other requests are answered.
AwaitingNetwork {
/// A oneshot channel used to receive the address_book and outbound services
/// after the network is set up.
network_setup: oneshot::Receiver<NetworkSetupData>,
/// A service that verifies downloaded blocks. Given to `downloads`
/// after the network is set up.
verifier: Verifier,
/// Network setup is complete.
/// All requests are answered.
Initialized {
/// A shared list of peer addresses.
address_book: Arc<Mutex<zn::AddressBook>>,
/// A `futures::Stream` that downloads and verifies gossipped blocks.
downloads: Pin<Box<InboundDownloads>>,
/// Temporary state used in the service's internal network initialization
/// code.
/// If this state occurs outside the service initialization code, the
/// service panics.
/// Network setup failed, because the setup channel permanently failed.
/// The service keeps returning readiness errors for every request.
/// We keep hold of the closed oneshot, so we can use it to create a
/// new error for each `poll_ready` call.
FailedRecv { error: SharedRecvError },
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SharedRecvError(Arc<TryRecvError>);
impl From<TryRecvError> for SharedRecvError {
fn from(source: TryRecvError) -> Self {
/// Uses the node state to respond to inbound peer requests.
/// This service, wrapped in appropriate middleware, is passed to
/// `zebra_network::init` to respond to inbound peer requests.
/// The `Inbound` service is responsible for:
/// - supplying network data like peer addresses to other nodes;
/// - supplying chain data like blocks to other nodes;
/// - performing transaction diffusion;
/// - performing block diffusion.
/// Because the `Inbound` service is responsible for participating in the gossip
/// protocols used for transaction and block diffusion, there is a potential
/// overlap with the `ChainSync` component.
/// The division of responsibility is that the `ChainSync` component is
/// *internally driven*, periodically polling the network to check whether it is
/// behind the current tip, while the `Inbound` service is *externally driven*,
/// responding to block gossip by attempting to download and validate advertised
/// blocks.
pub struct Inbound {
/// Provides network-dependent services, if they are available.
/// Some services are unavailable until Zebra has completed network setup.
network_setup: Setup,
/// A service that manages cached blockchain state.
state: State,
impl Inbound {
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pub fn new(
network_setup: oneshot::Receiver<NetworkSetupData>,
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state: State,
verifier: Verifier,
) -> Self {
Self {
network_setup: Setup::AwaitingNetwork {
fn take_setup(&mut self) -> Setup {
let mut network_setup = Setup::FailedInit;
std::mem::swap(&mut self.network_setup, &mut network_setup);
impl Service<zn::Request> for Inbound {
type Response = zn::Response;
type Error = zn::BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// Check whether the network setup is finished, but don't wait for it to
// become ready before reporting readiness. We expect to get it "soon",
// and reporting unreadiness might cause unwanted load-shedding, since
// the load-shed middleware is unable to distinguish being unready due
// to load from being unready while waiting on setup.
// Every network_setup state handler must provide a result
let result;
self.network_setup = match self.take_setup() {
Setup::AwaitingNetwork {
mut network_setup,
} => match network_setup.try_recv() {
Ok((outbound, address_book)) => {
let downloads = Box::pin(Downloads::new(
Timeout::new(outbound, BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT),
Timeout::new(verifier, BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT),
result = Ok(());
Setup::Initialized {
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {
// There's no setup data yet, so keep waiting for it
result = Ok(());
Setup::AwaitingNetwork {
Err(error @ TryRecvError::Closed) => {
// Mark the service as failed, because network setup failed
error!(?error, "inbound network setup failed");
let error: SharedRecvError = error.into();
result = Err(error.clone().into());
Setup::FailedRecv { error }
// Make sure previous network setups were left in a valid state
Setup::FailedInit => unreachable!("incomplete previous Inbound initialization"),
// If network setup failed, report service failure
Setup::FailedRecv { error } => {
result = Err(error.clone().into());
Setup::FailedRecv { error }
// Clean up completed download tasks, ignoring their results
Setup::Initialized {
mut downloads,
} => {
while let Poll::Ready(Some(_)) = downloads.as_mut().poll_next(cx) {}
result = Ok(());
Setup::Initialized {
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// Make sure we're leaving the network setup in a valid state
if matches!(self.network_setup, Setup::FailedInit) {
unreachable!("incomplete Inbound initialization after poll_ready state handling");
// TODO:
// * do we want to propagate backpressure from the download queue or its outbound network?
// currently, the download queue waits for the outbound network in the download future,
// and drops new requests after it reaches a hard-coded limit. This is the
// "load shed directly" pattern from #1618.
// * currently, the state service is always ready, unless its buffer is full.
// So we might also want to propagate backpressure from its buffer.
// * if we want to propagate backpressure, add a ReadyCache for each service, to ensure
// that each poll_ready has a matching call. See #1593 for details.
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#[instrument(name = "inbound", skip(self, req))]
fn call(&mut self, req: zn::Request) -> Self::Future {
match req {
zn::Request::Peers => {
if let Setup::Initialized { address_book, .. } = &self.network_setup {
// We could truncate the list to try to not reveal our entire
// peer set. But because we don't monitor repeated requests,
// this wouldn't actually achieve anything, because a crawler
// could just repeatedly query it.
let mut peers = address_book.lock().unwrap().sanitized();
const MAX_ADDR: usize = 1000; // bitcoin protocol constant
async { Ok(zn::Response::Peers(peers)) }.boxed()
} else {
info!("ignoring `Peers` request from remote peer during network setup");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::BlocksByHash(hashes) => {
// Correctness:
// We can't use `call_all` here, because it can hold one buffer slot per concurrent
// future, until the `CallAll` struct is dropped. We can't hold those slots in this
// future because:
// * we're not sure when the returned future will complete, and
// * we don't limit how many returned futures can be concurrently running
// https://github.com/tower-rs/tower/blob/master/tower/src/util/call_all/common.rs#L112
use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
.map(|hash| zs::Request::Block(hash.into()))
.map(|request| self.state.clone().oneshot(request))
.try_filter_map(|response| async move {
Ok(match response {
zs::Response::Block(Some(block)) => Some(block),
// `zcashd` ignores missing blocks in GetData responses,
// rather than including them in a trailing `NotFound`
// message
zs::Response::Block(None) => None,
_ => unreachable!("wrong response from state"),
zn::Request::TransactionsByHash(_transactions) => {
// `zcashd` returns a list of found transactions, followed by a
// `NotFound` message if any transactions are missing. `zcashd`
// says that Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) clients rely on
// this behaviour - are there any of them on the Zcash network?
// https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/e7b425298f6d9a54810cb7183f00be547e4d9415/src/main.cpp#L5632
// We'll implement this request once we have a mempool:
// https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#getdata
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::FindBlocks { known_blocks, stop } => {
let request = zs::Request::FindBlockHashes { known_blocks, stop };
self.state.clone().oneshot(request).map_ok(|resp| match resp {
zs::Response::BlockHashes(hashes) if hashes.is_empty() => zn::Response::Nil,
zs::Response::BlockHashes(hashes) => zn::Response::BlockHashes(hashes),
_ => unreachable!("zebra-state should always respond to a `FindBlockHashes` request with a `BlockHashes` response"),
zn::Request::FindHeaders { known_blocks, stop } => {
let request = zs::Request::FindBlockHeaders { known_blocks, stop };
self.state.clone().oneshot(request).map_ok(|resp| match resp {
zs::Response::BlockHeaders(headers) if headers.is_empty() => zn::Response::Nil,
zs::Response::BlockHeaders(headers) => zn::Response::BlockHeaders(headers),
_ => unreachable!("zebra-state should always respond to a `FindBlockHeaders` request with a `BlockHeaders` response"),
zn::Request::PushTransaction(_transaction) => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::AdvertiseTransactions(_transactions) => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
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zn::Request::AdvertiseBlock(hash) => {
if let Setup::Initialized { downloads, .. } = &mut self.network_setup {
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} else {
"ignoring `AdvertiseBlock` request from remote peer during network setup"
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2020-11-24 14:20:34 -08:00
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::MempoolTransactions => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::Ping(_) => {
unreachable!("ping requests are handled internally");