
377 lines
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use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
task::{Context, Poll},
use color_eyre::eyre::eyre;
use futures::{
stream::{FuturesUnordered, Stream},
use pin_project::pin_project;
use tokio::{sync::oneshot, task::JoinHandle};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use zebra_chain::transaction::{self, UnminedTx, UnminedTxId};
use zebra_consensus::transaction as tx;
use zebra_network as zn;
use zebra_state as zs;
use crate::components::sync::{BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT};
use super::MempoolError;
type BoxError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
/// Controls how long we wait for a transaction download request to complete.
/// This is currently equal to [`crate::components::sync::BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT`] for
/// consistency, even though parts of the rationale used for defining the value
/// don't apply here (e.g. we can drop transactions hashes when the queue is full).
/// Controls how long we wait for a transaction verify request to complete.
/// This is currently equal to [`crate::components::sync::BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT`] for
/// consistency.
/// This timeout may lead to denial of service, which will be handled in
/// https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/issues/2694
/// The maximum number of concurrent inbound download and verify tasks.
/// We expect the mempool crawler to download and verify most mempool transactions, so this bound
/// can be small.
/// ## Security
/// We use a small concurrency limit, to prevent memory denial-of-service
/// attacks.
/// The maximum transaction size is 2 million bytes. A deserialized malicious
/// transaction with ~225_000 transparent outputs can take up 9MB of RAM.
/// (See #1880 for more details.)
/// Malicious transactions will eventually timeout or fail validation.
/// Once validation fails, the transaction is dropped, and its memory is deallocated.
/// Since Zebra keeps an `inv` index, inbound downloads for malicious transactions
/// will be directed to the malicious node that originally gossiped the hash.
/// Therefore, this attack can be carried out by a single malicious node.
pub(crate) const MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY: usize = 10;
/// A gossiped transaction, which can be the transaction itself or just its ID.
Send crawled transaction IDs to downloader (#2801) * Rename type parameter to be more explicit Replace the single letter with a proper name. * Remove imports for `Request` and `Response` The type names will conflict with the ones for the mempool service. * Attach `Mempool` service to the `Crawler` Add a field to the `Crawler` type to store a way to access the `Mempool` service. * Forward crawled transactions to downloader The crawled transactions are now sent to the transaction downloader and verifier, to be included in the mempool. * Derive `Eq` and `PartialEq` for `mempool::Request` Make it simpler to use the `MockService::expect_request` method. * Test if crawled transactions are downloaded Create some dummy crawled transactions, and let the crawler discover them. Then check if they are forwarded to the mempool to be downloaded and verified. * Don't send empty transaction ID list to downloader Ignore response from peers that don't provide any crawled transactions. * Log errors when forwarding crawled transaction IDs Calling the Mempool service should not fail, so if an error happens it should be visible. However, errors when downloading individual transactions can happen from time to time, so there's no need for them to be very visible. * Document existing `mempool::Crawler` test Provide some depth as to what the test expect from the crawler's behavior. * Refactor to create `setup_crawler` helper function Make it easier to reuse the common test setup code. * Simplify code to expect requests Now that `zebra_network::Request` implement `Eq`, the call can be simplified into `expect_request`. * Refactor to create `respond_with_transaction_ids` A helper function that checks for a network crawl request and responds with the given list of crawled transaction IDs. * Refactor to create `crawler_iterator` helper A function to intercept and respond to the fanned-out requests sent during a single crawl iteration. * Refactor to create `respond_to_queue_request` Reduce the repeated code necessary to intercept and reply to a request for queuing transactions to be downloaded. * Add `respond_to_queue_request_with_error` helper Intercepts a mempool request to queue transactions to be downloaded, and responds with an error, simulating an internal problem in the mempool service implementation. * Derive `Arbitrary` for `NetworkUpgrade` This is required for deriving `Arbitrary` for some error types. * Derive `Arbitrary` for `TransactionError` Allow random transaction errors to be generated for property tests. * Derive `Arbitrary` for `MempoolError` Allow random Mempool errors to be generated for property tests. * Test if errors don't stop the mempool crawler The crawler should be robust enough to continue operating even if the mempool service fails to download transactions or even fails to handle requests to enqueue transactions. * Reduce the log level for download errors They should happen regularly, so there's no need to have them with a high visibility level. Co-authored-by: teor <teor@riseup.net> * Stop crawler if service stops If `Mempool::poll_ready` returns an error, it's because the mempool service has stopped and can't handle any requests, so the crawler should stop as well. Co-authored-by: teor <teor@riseup.net> Co-authored-by: Conrado Gouvea <conrado@zfnd.org>
2021-10-04 17:55:42 -07:00
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Gossip {
impl Gossip {
/// Return the [`UnminedTxId`] of a gossiped transaction.
pub fn id(&self) -> UnminedTxId {
match self {
Gossip::Id(txid) => *txid,
Gossip::Tx(tx) => tx.id,
impl From<UnminedTxId> for Gossip {
fn from(txid: UnminedTxId) -> Self {
impl From<UnminedTx> for Gossip {
fn from(tx: UnminedTx) -> Self {
/// Represents a [`Stream`] of download and verification tasks.
pub struct Downloads<ZN, ZV, ZS>
ZN: Service<zn::Request, Response = zn::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + 'static,
ZN::Future: Send,
ZV: Service<tx::Request, Response = tx::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZV::Future: Send,
ZS: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZS::Future: Send,
// Services
/// A service that forwards requests to connected peers, and returns their
/// responses.
network: ZN,
/// A service that verifies downloaded transactions.
verifier: ZV,
/// A service that manages cached blockchain state.
state: ZS,
// Internal downloads state
/// A list of pending transaction download and verify tasks.
pending: FuturesUnordered<JoinHandle<Result<UnminedTx, (BoxError, UnminedTxId)>>>,
/// A list of channels that can be used to cancel pending transaction download and
/// verify tasks.
cancel_handles: HashMap<UnminedTxId, oneshot::Sender<()>>,
impl<ZN, ZV, ZS> Stream for Downloads<ZN, ZV, ZS>
ZN: Service<zn::Request, Response = zn::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZN::Future: Send,
ZV: Service<tx::Request, Response = tx::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZV::Future: Send,
ZS: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZS::Future: Send,
type Item = Result<UnminedTx, BoxError>;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let this = self.project();
// The current task must be scheduled for wakeup every time we return
// `Poll::Pending`.
// If no download and verify tasks have exited since the last poll, this
// task is scheduled for wakeup when the next task becomes ready.
// TODO: this would be cleaner with poll_map (#2693)
if let Some(join_result) = ready!(this.pending.poll_next(cx)) {
match join_result.expect("transaction download and verify tasks must not panic") {
Ok(tx) => {
Err((e, hash)) => {
} else {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl<ZN, ZV, ZS> Downloads<ZN, ZV, ZS>
ZN: Service<zn::Request, Response = zn::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZN::Future: Send,
ZV: Service<tx::Request, Response = tx::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZV::Future: Send,
ZS: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZS::Future: Send,
/// Initialize a new download stream with the provided `network` and
/// `verifier` services.
/// The [`Downloads`] stream is agnostic to the network policy, so retry and
/// timeout limits should be applied to the `network` service passed into
/// this constructor.
pub fn new(network: ZN, verifier: ZV, state: ZS) -> Self {
Self {
pending: FuturesUnordered::new(),
cancel_handles: HashMap::new(),
/// Queue a transaction for download (if needed) and verification.
/// Returns the action taken in response to the queue request.
#[instrument(skip(self, gossiped_tx), fields(txid = %gossiped_tx.id()))]
pub fn download_if_needed_and_verify(
&mut self,
gossiped_tx: Gossip,
) -> Result<(), MempoolError> {
let txid = gossiped_tx.id();
if self.cancel_handles.contains_key(&txid) {
queue_len = self.pending.len(),
"transaction id already queued for inbound download: ignored transaction"
return Err(MempoolError::AlreadyQueued);
if self.pending.len() >= MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY {
queue_len = self.pending.len(),
"too many transactions queued for inbound download: ignored transaction"
return Err(MempoolError::FullQueue);
// This oneshot is used to signal cancellation to the download task.
let (cancel_tx, mut cancel_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>();
let network = self.network.clone();
let verifier = self.verifier.clone();
let mut state = self.state.clone();
let fut = async move {
// Don't download/verify if the transaction is already in the state.
Self::transaction_in_state(&mut state, txid).await?;
let height = match state.oneshot(zs::Request::Tip).await {
Ok(zs::Response::Tip(None)) => Err("no block at the tip".into()),
Ok(zs::Response::Tip(Some((height, _hash)))) => Ok(height),
Ok(_) => unreachable!("wrong response"),
Err(e) => Err(e),
let height = (height + 1).ok_or_else(|| eyre!("no next height"))?;
let tx = match gossiped_tx {
Gossip::Id(txid) => {
let req = zn::Request::TransactionsById(std::iter::once(txid).collect());
let tx = match network.oneshot(req).await? {
zn::Response::Transactions(mut txs) => txs
.expect("successful response has the transaction in it"),
_ => unreachable!("wrong response to transaction request"),
metrics::counter!("gossip.downloaded.transaction.count", 1);
Gossip::Tx(tx) => {
metrics::counter!("gossip.pushed.transaction.count", 1);
let result = verifier
.oneshot(tx::Request::Mempool {
transaction: tx.clone(),
.map_ok(|_hash| tx)
tracing::debug!(?txid, ?result, "verified transaction for the mempool");
.map_ok(|tx| {
metrics::counter!("gossip.verified.transaction.count", 1);
// Tack the hash onto the error so we can remove the cancel handle
// on failure as well as on success.
.map_err(move |e| (e, txid))
let task = tokio::spawn(async move {
// TODO: if the verifier and cancel are both ready, which should we
// prefer? (Currently, select! chooses one at random.)
tokio::select! {
_ = &mut cancel_rx => {
tracing::trace!("task cancelled prior to completion");
metrics::counter!("gossip.cancelled.count", 1);
Err(("canceled".into(), txid))
verification = fut => verification,
self.cancel_handles.insert(txid, cancel_tx).is_none(),
"transactions are only queued once"
queue_len = self.pending.len(),
"queued transaction hash for download"
metrics::gauge!("gossip.queued.transaction.count", self.pending.len() as _);
/// Cancel download/verification tasks of transactions with the
/// given transaction hash (see [`UnminedTxId::mined_id`]).
pub fn cancel(&mut self, mined_ids: HashSet<&transaction::Hash>) {
// TODO: this can be simplified with [`HashMap::drain_filter`] which
// is currently nightly-only experimental API.
let removed_txids: Vec<UnminedTxId> = self
.filter(|txid| mined_ids.contains(&txid.mined_id()))
for txid in removed_txids {
if let Some(handle) = self.cancel_handles.remove(&txid) {
let _ = handle.send(());
/// Cancel all running tasks and reset the downloader state.
// Note: copied from zebrad/src/components/sync/downloads.rs
pub fn cancel_all(&mut self) {
// Replace the pending task list with an empty one and drop it.
let _ = std::mem::take(&mut self.pending);
// Signal cancellation to all running tasks.
// Since we already dropped the JoinHandles above, they should
// fail silently.
for (_hash, cancel) in self.cancel_handles.drain() {
let _ = cancel.send(());
/// Get the number of currently in-flight download tasks.
// Note: copied from zebrad/src/components/sync/downloads.rs
pub fn in_flight(&self) -> usize {
/// Check if transaction is already in the state.
async fn transaction_in_state(state: &mut ZS, txid: UnminedTxId) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Check if the transaction is already in the state.
match state
Ok(zs::Response::Transaction(None)) => Ok(()),
Ok(zs::Response::Transaction(Some(_))) => Err("already present in state".into()),
Ok(_) => unreachable!("wrong response"),
Err(e) => Err(e),