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//! The primary implementation of the `zebra_state::Service` built upon sled
mod disk_format;
2020-11-16 16:05:35 -08:00
use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryInto, sync::Arc};
use zebra_chain::transparent;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block},
parameters::{Network, GENESIS_PREVIOUS_BLOCK_HASH},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
2020-11-16 16:05:35 -08:00
use crate::{BoxError, Config, HashOrHeight};
use self::disk_format::{DiskDeserialize, DiskSerialize, FromDisk, IntoDisk, TransactionLocation};
2020-11-16 16:05:35 -08:00
use super::QueuedBlock;
2020-09-10 14:16:39 -07:00
/// The finalized part of the chain state, stored in sled.
/// This structure has two categories of methods:
/// - *synchronous* methods that perform writes to the sled state;
/// - *asynchronous* methods that perform reads.
/// For more on this distinction, see RFC5. The synchronous methods are
/// implemented as ordinary methods on the [`FinalizedState`]. The asynchronous
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/// methods are not implemented using `async fn`, but using normal methods that
/// return `impl Future<Output = ...>`. This allows them to move data (e.g.,
/// clones of handles for [`sled::Tree`]s) into the futures they return.
/// This means that the returned futures have a `'static` lifetime and don't
/// borrow any resources from the [`FinalizedState`], and the actual database work is
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/// performed asynchronously when the returned future is polled, not while it is
/// created. This is analogous to the way [`tower::Service::call`] works.
pub struct FinalizedState {
/// Queued blocks that arrived out of order, indexed by their parent block hash.
queued_by_prev_hash: HashMap<block::Hash, QueuedBlock>,
max_queued_height: i64,
hash_by_height: sled::Tree,
height_by_hash: sled::Tree,
block_by_height: sled::Tree,
tx_by_hash: sled::Tree,
utxo_by_outpoint: sled::Tree,
2020-10-23 15:29:52 -07:00
sprout_nullifiers: sled::Tree,
sapling_nullifiers: sled::Tree,
// sprout_anchors: sled::Tree,
// sapling_anchors: sled::Tree,
/// Commit blocks to the finalized state up to this height, then exit Zebra.
debug_stop_at_height: Option<block::Height>,
impl FinalizedState {
pub fn new(config: &Config, network: Network) -> Self {
let db = config.sled_config(network).open().unwrap();
let new_state = Self {
queued_by_prev_hash: HashMap::new(),
max_queued_height: -1,
hash_by_height: db.open_tree(b"hash_by_height").unwrap(),
height_by_hash: db.open_tree(b"height_by_hash").unwrap(),
block_by_height: db.open_tree(b"block_by_height").unwrap(),
tx_by_hash: db.open_tree(b"tx_by_hash").unwrap(),
utxo_by_outpoint: db.open_tree(b"utxo_by_outpoint").unwrap(),
2020-10-23 15:29:52 -07:00
sprout_nullifiers: db.open_tree(b"sprout_nullifiers").unwrap(),
sapling_nullifiers: db.open_tree(b"sapling_nullifiers").unwrap(),
debug_stop_at_height: config.debug_stop_at_height.map(block::Height),
if let Some(tip_height) = new_state.finalized_tip_height() {
if new_state.is_at_stop_height(tip_height) {
let debug_stop_at_height = new_state
.expect("true from `is_at_stop_height` implies `debug_stop_at_height` is Some");
let tip_hash = new_state.finalized_tip_hash();
if tip_height > debug_stop_at_height {
"previous state height is greater than the stop height",
"state is already at the configured height"
// There's no need to sync before exit, because the trees have just been opened
/// Synchronously flushes all dirty IO buffers and calls fsync.
/// Returns the number of bytes flushed during this call.
/// See sled's `Tree.flush` for more details.
pub fn flush(&self) -> sled::Result<usize> {
let mut total_flushed = 0;
total_flushed += self.hash_by_height.flush()?;
total_flushed += self.height_by_hash.flush()?;
total_flushed += self.block_by_height.flush()?;
total_flushed += self.tx_by_hash.flush()?;
total_flushed += self.utxo_by_outpoint.flush()?;
2020-10-23 15:29:52 -07:00
total_flushed += self.sprout_nullifiers.flush()?;
total_flushed += self.sapling_nullifiers.flush()?;
/// If `block_height` is greater than or equal to the configured stop height,
/// stop the process.
/// Flushes sled trees before exiting.
/// `called_from` and `block_hash` are used for assertions and logging.
fn is_at_stop_height(&self, block_height: block::Height) -> bool {
let debug_stop_at_height = match self.debug_stop_at_height {
Some(debug_stop_at_height) => debug_stop_at_height,
None => return false,
if block_height < debug_stop_at_height {
return false;
/// Queue a finalized block to be committed to the state.
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/// After queueing a finalized block, this method checks whether the newly
/// queued block (and any of its descendants) can be committed to the state.
pub fn queue_and_commit_finalized_blocks(&mut self, queued_block: QueuedBlock) {
let prev_hash = queued_block.block.header.previous_block_hash;
let height = queued_block.block.coinbase_height().unwrap();
self.queued_by_prev_hash.insert(prev_hash, queued_block);
while let Some(queued_block) = self.queued_by_prev_hash.remove(&self.finalized_tip_hash()) {
2020-10-09 18:49:44 -07:00
metrics::counter!("state.finalized.committed.block.count", 1);
metrics::gauge!("state.finalized.committed.block.height", height.0 as _);
2020-10-09 18:49:44 -07:00
if self.queued_by_prev_hash.is_empty() {
// use -1 as a sentinel value for "None", because 0 is a valid height
self.max_queued_height = -1;
} else {
self.max_queued_height = std::cmp::max(self.max_queued_height, height.0 as _);
metrics::gauge!("state.finalized.queued.max.height", self.max_queued_height);
2020-10-09 18:49:44 -07:00
2020-10-09 18:49:44 -07:00
self.queued_by_prev_hash.len() as _
/// Returns the hash of the current finalized tip block.
pub fn finalized_tip_hash(&self) -> block::Hash {
.map(|(_, hash)| hash)
// if the state is empty, return the genesis previous block hash
/// Returns the height of the current finalized tip block.
pub fn finalized_tip_height(&self) -> Option<block::Height> {
self.tip().map(|(height, _)| height)
/// Immediately commit `block` to the finalized state.
pub fn commit_finalized_direct(&mut self, block: Arc<Block>) -> Result<block::Hash, BoxError> {
use sled::Transactional;
let height = block
.expect("finalized blocks are valid and have a coinbase height");
let hash = block.hash();
block_precommit_metrics(&hash, height, &block);
// Assert that callers (including unit tests) get the chain order correct
if self.block_by_height.is_empty() {
block::Hash([0; 32]),
"the first block added to an empty state must be a genesis block"
"cannot commit genesis: invalid height"
} else {
.expect("state must have a genesis block committed")
+ 1,
"committed block height must be 1 more than the finalized tip height"
"committed block must be a child of the finalized tip"
let result = (
2020-10-23 15:29:52 -07:00
move |(
2020-10-23 15:29:52 -07:00
)| {
// Index the block
hash_by_height.zs_insert(height, hash)?;
height_by_hash.zs_insert(hash, height)?;
2020-11-06 11:28:20 -08:00
block_by_height.zs_insert(height, &block)?;
// TODO: sprout and sapling anchors (per block)
// Consensus-critical bug in zcashd: transactions in the
// genesis block are ignored.
if block.header.previous_block_hash == block::Hash([0; 32]) {
return Ok(hash);
// Index each transaction
for (transaction_index, transaction) in block.transactions.iter().enumerate() {
let transaction_hash = transaction.hash();
let transaction_location = TransactionLocation {
index: transaction_index
.expect("no more than 4 billion transactions per block"),
tx_by_hash.zs_insert(transaction_hash, transaction_location)?;
// Mark all transparent inputs as spent
for input in transaction.inputs() {
match input {
transparent::Input::PrevOut { outpoint, .. } => {
// Coinbase inputs represent new coins,
// so there are no UTXOs to mark as spent.
transparent::Input::Coinbase { .. } => {}
// Index all new transparent outputs
for (index, output) in transaction.outputs().iter().enumerate() {
let outpoint = transparent::OutPoint {
hash: transaction_hash,
index: index as _,
utxo_by_outpoint.zs_insert(outpoint, output)?;
2020-10-23 15:29:52 -07:00
// Mark sprout and sapling nullifiers as spent
2020-10-23 15:29:52 -07:00
for sprout_nullifier in transaction.sprout_nullifiers() {
sprout_nullifiers.zs_insert(sprout_nullifier, ())?;
for sapling_nullifier in transaction.sapling_nullifiers() {
sapling_nullifiers.zs_insert(sapling_nullifier, ())?;
// for some reason type inference fails here
Ok::<_, sled::transaction::ConflictableTransactionError>(hash)
if result.is_ok() && self.is_at_stop_height(height) {
if let Err(e) = self.flush() {
"error flushing sled state before stopping"
tracing::info!(?height, ?hash, "stopping at configured height");
/// Commit a finalized block to the state.
/// It's the caller's responsibility to ensure that blocks are committed in
/// order. This function is called by [`queue`], which ensures order.
/// It is intentionally not exposed as part of the public API of the
/// [`FinalizedState`].
fn commit_finalized(&mut self, queued_block: QueuedBlock) {
let QueuedBlock { block, rsp_tx } = queued_block;
let result = self.commit_finalized_direct(block);
let _ = rsp_tx.send(result.map_err(Into::into));
/// Returns the tip height and hash if there is one.
pub fn tip(&self) -> Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)> {
.expect("expected that sled errors would not occur")
.map(|(height_bytes, hash_bytes)| {
let height = block::Height::from_ivec(height_bytes);
let hash = block::Hash::from_ivec(hash_bytes);
(height, hash)
/// Returns the height of the given block if it exists.
pub fn height(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<block::Height> {
/// Returns the given block if it exists.
pub fn block(&self, hash_or_height: HashOrHeight) -> Option<Arc<Block>> {
let height = hash_or_height.height_or_else(|hash| self.height_by_hash.zs_get(&hash))?;
/// Returns the `transparent::Output` pointed to by the given
/// `transparent::OutPoint` if it is present.
pub fn utxo(&self, outpoint: &transparent::OutPoint) -> Option<transparent::Output> {
/// Returns the finalized hash for a given `block::Height` if it is present.
pub fn hash(&self, height: block::Height) -> Option<block::Hash> {
/// Returns the given transaction if it exists.
pub fn transaction(&self, hash: transaction::Hash) -> Option<Arc<Transaction>> {
.map(|TransactionLocation { index, height }| {
let block = self
.expect("block will exist if TransactionLocation does");
block.transactions[index as usize].clone()
fn block_precommit_metrics(hash: &block::Hash, height: block::Height, block: &Block) {
let transaction_count = block.transactions.len();
let transparent_prevout_count = block
.flat_map(|t| t.inputs().iter())
// Each block has a single coinbase input which is not a previous output.
- 1;
let transparent_newout_count = block
.flat_map(|t| t.outputs().iter())
let sprout_nullifier_count = block
.flat_map(|t| t.sprout_nullifiers())
let sapling_nullifier_count = block
.flat_map(|t| t.sapling_nullifiers())
"preparing to commit finalized block"
transaction_count as u64
transparent_prevout_count as u64
transparent_newout_count as u64
sprout_nullifier_count as u64
sapling_nullifier_count as u64