
2.1 KiB

Zebra Metrics

Zebra has support for Prometheus, configured using the prometheus compile-time feature, and the MetricsSection runtime configuration.

The following steps can be used to send real time Zebra metrics data into a grafana front end that you can visualize:

  1. Build zebra with prometheus feature:

    cargo install --features prometheus --locked --git https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra zebrad
  2. Create a zebrad.toml file that we can edit:

    zebrad generate -o zebrad.toml
  3. Add endpoint_addr to the metrics section:

    endpoint_addr = ""
  4. Run Zebra, and specify the path to the zebrad.toml file, for example:

    zebrad -c zebrad.toml start
  5. Install and run Prometheus and Grafana via Docker:

    # create a storage volume for grafana (once)
    sudo docker volume create grafana-storage
    # create a storage volume for prometheus (once)
    sudo docker volume create prometheus-storage
    # run prometheus with the included config
    sudo docker run --detach --network host --volume prometheus-storage:/prometheus --volume /path/to/zebra/prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml  prom/prometheus
    # run grafana
    sudo docker run --detach --network host --env GF_SERVER_HTTP_PORT=3030 --env GF_SERVER_HTTP_ADDR=localhost --volume grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana

    Now the grafana dashboard is available at http://localhost:3030 ; the default username and password is admin/admin. Prometheus scrapes Zebra on localhost:9999, and provides the results on localhost:9090.

  6. Configure Grafana with a Prometheus HTTP Data Source, using Zebra's metrics.endpoint_addr.

    In the grafana dashboard:

    1. Create a new Prometheus Data Source Prometheus-Zebra
    2. Enter the HTTP URL:
    3. Save the configuration
  7. Now you can add the grafana dashboards from zebra/grafana (Create > Import > Upload JSON File), or create your own.

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