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How to write a simple lnd client in Javascript using nodejs?

First, you need to initialize a simple nodejs project:

npm init (or npm init -f if you want to use the default values without prompt)

Then you need to install the Javascript grpc library dependency:

npm install grpc --save

You also need to copy the lnd rpc.proto file in your project directory (or at least somewhere reachable by your Javascript code).

The rpc.proto file is located in the lnrpc directory of the lnd sources.

I had to comment the following line in the rpc.proto file otherwise grpc would crash:

//import "google/api/annotations.proto";

Let's now write some Javascript code that simply displays the getinfo command result on the console:

var grpc = require('grpc');

var lnrpcDescriptor = grpc.load("rpc.proto");

var lnrpc = lnrpcDescriptor.lnrpc;

var lightning = new lnrpc.Lightning('localhost:10009', grpc.credentials.createInsecure());

lightning.getInfo({}, function(err, response) {
	console.log('GetInfo:', response);

You just have to lauch your newly created Javascript file getinfo.js using nodejs:

node getinfo.js

You should get something like this in your console:

GetInfo: { identity_pubkey: '03c892e3f3f077ea1e381c081abb36491a2502bc43ed37ffb82e264224f325ff27',
  alias: '',
  num_pending_channels: 0,
  num_active_channels: 0,
  num_peers: 0,
  block_height: 1087612,
  block_hash: '000000000000024b2acc37958b15010057c6abc0a48f83c8dd67034bee2cb823',
  synced_to_chain: true,
  testnet: true }
