
54 lines
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How to use this file:
- When making a change to the firmware that users should know about, add it to the
appropriate section (breaking/added/fixed) in the next release.
- If it's something interesting or breaking, make a post about it on the forum! We want users
to find out about changes before they have to get help because their car won't start.
Release template (copy/paste this for new release):
## Month 202x Release - "Release Name"
### Breaking Changes
### Added
### Fixed
### Removed
# Changelog
## Unreleased
### Fixed
- Improved bench test resolution (more usable for testing injectors, dwell, etc)
- Maximum knock retard table displays correct Y axis values in TunerStudio
## May 2023 Release
### Added
- Detected gear and wastegate position to CAN format
- Y axis override for Idle VE table. Helps with idle quality on ITB setups. #94
- Blend tables for boost open and closed loop control #73
- Log channels to make MegaLogViewer VE Analyze work #82
- Enable knock sensing on F407 Discovery build, hardcoded to PA3 #105
- Support gauge and differential fuel pressure sensors (in addition to absolute) #32
- Snapshot builds have a date code in the folder name #91
### Fixed
- Sensor checker wasn't checking sensors
- Removed vestigial warning about unset ignition pins #79
- Gear detection sometimes didn't work #86
- Restore built-in INI storage on STM32F7-based ECUs
- Improve log field names, easier to find the channel you're looking for #98
### For older changelog entries prior to fork from rusEFI, see