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2020-03-29 12:19:57 -07:00
* Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited
* This file is part of srsLTE.
* srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in
* the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution
* and at
#ifndef SRSLTE_FSM_H
#define SRSLTE_FSM_H
#include "choice_type.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
namespace srslte {
// using same_state = mpark::monostate;
struct same_state {
template <typename... Args>
using state_list = choice_t<Args...>;
namespace fsm_details {
//! Visitor to get a state's name string
struct state_name_visitor {
template <typename State>
void operator()(State&& s)
name =;
const char* name = "invalid state";
template <typename TargetVariant, typename PrevState>
struct variant_convert {
template <typename State>
void operator()(State&& s)
static_assert(not std::is_same<typename std::decay<State>::type, typename std::decay<PrevState>::type>::value,
"State cannot transition to itself.\n");
*v = s;
TargetVariant* v;
PrevState* p;
struct fsm_helper {
//! Stayed in same state
template <typename FSM, typename PrevState>
static void handle_state_transition(FSM* f, same_state s, PrevState* p)
// do nothing
//! TargetState is type-erased. Apply its stored type to the fsm current state
template <typename FSM, typename... Args, typename PrevState>
static void handle_state_transition(FSM* f, choice_t<Args...>& s, PrevState* p)
fsm_details::variant_convert<decltype(f->states), PrevState> visitor{.v = &f->states, .p = p};
//! Simple state transition in FSM
template <typename FSM, typename State, typename PrevState>
static auto handle_state_transition(FSM* f, State& s, PrevState* p) -> decltype(f->states = s, void())
static_assert(not std::is_same<State, PrevState>::value, "State cannot transition to itself.\n");
f->states = s;
//! State not present in current FSM. Attempt state transition in parent FSM in the case of NestedFSM
template <typename FSM, typename... Args>
static void handle_state_transition(FSM* f, Args&&... args)
static_assert(FSM::is_nested, "State is not present in the FSM list of valid states");
handle_state_transition(f->parent_fsm()->derived(), args...);
//! Trigger Event, that will result in a state transition
template <typename FSM, typename Event>
struct trigger_visitor {
trigger_visitor(FSM* f_, Event&& ev_) : f(f_), ev(std::forward<Event>(ev_)) {}
template <typename State>
void operator()(State& s)
template <typename State>
using NextState = decltype(std::declval<FSM>().react(std::declval<State&>(), std::declval<Event>()));
template <typename State>
auto call_trigger(State& s) -> NextState<State>
using next_state = NextState<State>;
static_assert(not std::is_same<next_state, State>::value, "State cannot transition to itself.\n");
auto target_state = f->react(s, std::move(ev));
fsm_helper::handle_state_transition(f, target_state, &s);
return target_state;
template <typename State>
auto call_trigger(State& s) -> decltype(std::declval<State>().trigger(std::declval<Event>()))
same_state call_trigger(...)
// do nothing if no react was found
return same_state{};
FSM* f;
Event ev;
} // namespace fsm_details
//! Base class for states and FSMs
class state_t
state_t() = default;
// // forbid copies, allow move
// state_t(const state_t&) = delete;
// state_t(state_t&&) noexcept = default;
// state_t& operator=(const state_t&) = delete;
// state_t& operator=(state_t&&) noexcept = default;
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
template <typename Derived>
class fsm_t
// get access to derived protected members from the base
class derived_view : public Derived
using Derived::react;
using Derived::states;
static const bool is_nested = false;
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
// Push Events to FSM
template <typename Ev>
void trigger(Ev&& e)
template <typename State>
bool is_in_state() const
return derived()->states.template is<State>();
template <typename State>
const State* get_state() const
return srslte::get_if<State>(derived()->states);
const char* get_state_name() const
fsm_details::state_name_visitor visitor{};
friend struct fsm_details::fsm_helper;
// Forward an event to FSM states and handle transition return
template <typename Ev>
void fwd_trigger(Ev&& e)
fsm_details::fsm_helper::trigger_visitor<derived_view, Ev> visitor{derived(), std::forward<Ev>(e)};
template <typename State>
void change_state(State& s)
derived()->states = std::move(s);
// Access to CRTP derived class
derived_view* derived() { return static_cast<derived_view*>(this); }
const derived_view* derived() const { return static_cast<const derived_view*>(this); }
template <typename Derived, typename ParentFSM>
class nested_fsm_t : public fsm_t<Derived>
using base_t = fsm_t<Derived>;
using parent_t = ParentFSM;
using parent_view = typename parent_t::derived_view;
static const bool is_nested = true;
explicit nested_fsm_t(ParentFSM* parent_fsm_) : fsm_ptr(parent_fsm_) {}
// Get pointer to outer FSM in case of HSM
const parent_t* parent_fsm() const { return fsm_ptr; }
parent_t* parent_fsm() { return fsm_ptr; }
friend struct fsm_details::fsm_helper;
using parent_fsm_t = ParentFSM;
ParentFSM* fsm_ptr = nullptr;
} // namespace srslte
#endif // SRSLTE_FSM_H