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Creating a Dex Adapter

Architecture Summary

Router will call initialize on every Dex Adapter to gather a list of edge and account/program subscriptions for live refresh.

Dex must also provide a map of key to edge(s) so that we know what quote should be refreshed when some accounts are modified on chain.

Edge = One way (pool/market) to exchange an input token for an output token


Please create a new library inside the lib folder named like this: dex-<your-name>

You will need to implement three traits:

  • DexInterface
  • DexEdgeIdentifier
  • DexEdge

Looking at existing implementation (raydium for example) is recommended to start.


Trait used to:

  • Load pools / list accounts for which a change should trigger a repricing
  • Compute quote
  • Generate swap IX


Static data used to identify an edge (pool/market+direction)

  • key()
  • input_mint()
  • output_mint()
  • accounts_needed() this should count all account needed to make a swap, excluding:
    • user wallet address
    • user output ATA

Long living object.

Warning: key + input_mint should be unique


Accounts data needed to compute a quote for a given edge.

Short living object, loaded by Autobahn when updating prices and finding best path.

Testing and validating

Also see Testing.MD

Please create a test directory in your dex adapter lib with, at least, one end-to-end test.

A three steps design is preferred:

  • 1/ Capture all accounts needed
  • 2/ Generate at least one swap for every edge
  • 3/ Simulate execution

You can basically copy and paste the for a simple example of 1 and 2. For 3, you need to update in the simulator test program (again, take inspiration from raydium implementation: test_quote_match_swap_for_raydium).

Running should be done like this:

DUMP_MAINNET_DATA=1 RUST_LOG=info RPC_HTTP_URL="..." cargo test --package dex-<your-name>
cargo test-sbf --package simulator -- --nocapture cases::test_swap_from_dump::test_quote_match_swap_for_<your-name>

Note the test runner automatically captures accounts that were not specified in the dex adapters subscription_mode fn. This is based on observation of the generated instructions and ensures all accounts used even the ones not used to calculate a quote are included in the snapshot. This can cause data hazards bc. the snapshot is not generated at a consistent blockheight, it's recommended to update the subscription mode fn in this case.