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Hardware: recommend 1024MB RAM, 2 vCPUs, small disk

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Purpose Required? Default Value
PG_ENABLED Enable writing to PostgreSQL No false
PG_CONFIG PostgreSQL connection string if PG_ENABLED
TENANT1_ID Technical ID for the tenant Yes
TENANT1_RPC_ADDR RPC address for the target RPC node Yes
`TENANT2_.. more tenants can be added using TENANT2, TENANT3, ...

Command-line Arguments

  -b, --bench-interval <BENCH_INTERVAL>
          interval in milliseconds to run the benchmark [default: 60000]
  -n, --tx-count <TX_COUNT>
          [default: 10]
  -s, --size-tx <SIZE_TX>
          [default: small] [possible values: small, large]
  -p, --prio-fees <PRIO_FEES>
          [default: 0]
solana-lite-rpc-benchrunner-service \
  --bench-interval 600000 \
  --tx-count 100 \
  --prio-fees 0 --prio-fees 1000 --prio-fees 100000