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🥭 Mango Explorer

📦 Installation

mango-explorer is a regular Python library, available to install however you usually install Python libraries. It also contains some useful command-line tools to make using Mango easier.

This walkthrough shows one way of installing mango-explorer. If you're not familiar with some aspects of Python this guide aims to get you up and running quickly.

This is certainly not the only way, and there isn't a single 'right' way. Feel free to choose whatever works for you.

1. Create Python Virtual Environment

You don't have to create a Python 'venv' but it helps isolate dependencies to make sure you're running exactly the code you expect.

Here we'll create a directory - NewMangoProject - and create a Python virtual environment in the .venv subdirectory.

mkdir NewMangoProject
cd NewMangoProject
python3 -m venv .venv

2. Set Up direnv

direnv is a useful tool that allows you to configure environment variables when you're within specific directories.

We'll use it here to update the $PATH variable used to locate commands - this will allow us to use the .venv Python commands and the mango-explorer commands without having to prefix them with path names.

Assuming you have direnv installed for your operating system, create a file called .envrc in the NewMangoProject directory with the following contents:

CURRENT_DIRECTORY="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

export PATH=$CURRENT_DIRECTORY/.venv/bin:$PATH:$CURRENT_DIRECTORY/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bin

direnv will see the new file and require explicit authorisation to load it. (It only does this when the file is new or is changed.) To authorise direnv to use the new file, enter:

direnv allow

3. Add mango-explorer Dependency

Now we need to tell Python this project will use mango-explorer, and that it should be downloaded and installed. We'll use pip for installing packages, so create a requirements.txt file with the following contents:


Then install the dependencies with the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Verify Installation

The dependencies should all install without error. You can check everything is OK by running the following command:


This runs the mango-explorer-version command that's in the mango-explorer package that was installed in the .venv and was found using the $PATH that was set by direnv from the .envrc file. If you see something like this (the version details may be different) then you have successfully installed mango-explorer:

« PackageVersion 3.3.0 - '1967a63 [Thu Jan 20 16:49:40 2022 +0000] - v3.3.0' »

5. Use mango-explorer From Python

Now let's write some Python code to load the mango-explorer library and use it. Create a file with the following contents:

import mango

print("From Python code:", mango.version())

Now run it:


You should see output like the following (again, the actual version details may be different):

From Python code: « PackageVersion 3.3.0 - '1967a63 [Thu Jan 20 16:49:40 2022 +0000] - v3.3.0' »

But that's not doing much with Mango. Let's try loading and displaying the Mango Group. Create a file with the following contents:

import mango

context =
group = mango.Group.load(context)

And run it:


You should see a lot of details about the current Group:

« Group Version.V3 [98pjRuQjK3qA6gXts96PqZT4Ze5QmnCmt3QYjhbUSPue]
    « Metadata Version.V1 - Group: Initialized »
    Name: mainnet.1
    Signer [Nonce: 0]: 9BVcYqEQxyccuwznvxXqDkSJFavvTyheiTYk231T1A8S
    Admin: 7Gm5zF6FNJpyhqdwKcEdMQw3r5YzitYUGVDKYMPT1cMy

Showing the full output would clutter things up here, but you should be able to see all the Group details on your screen.

6. Conclusion

That's it - that's mango-explorer installed with the command-line tools all available to you and the library ready for you to import into your own programs.

Happy coding!