add zh_tw translations

This commit is contained in:
rjpeterson 2023-05-02 19:02:36 -07:00
parent 4ad8a29da6
commit 488f19a0e5
7 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"assets": "資產",
"export": "Export {{dataType}}",
"export": "導出{{dataType}}",
"assets-liabilities": "資產和債務",
"liabilities": "債務",
"no-pnl-history": "無盈虧歷史",

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"bal": "餘額",
"balance": "餘額",
"balances": "餘額",
"borrow": "借",
"borrow": "借",
"borrow-amount": "借貸數量",
"borrow-fee": "借貸費用",
"borrow-funds": "進行借貸",
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"deposit-amount": "存款數量",
"deposit-more-sol": "您的SOL錢包餘額太低。請多存入以支付交易",
"deposit-rate": "存款APR",
"details": "Details",
"details": "細節",
"disconnect": "斷開連接",
"documentation": "文檔",
"edit": "編輯",
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
"no": "No",
"optional": "可選",
"outstanding-balance": "未結餘額",
"overview": "Overview",
"overview": "摘要",
"perp": "合約",
"perp-markets": "合約市場",
"pnl": "盈虧",
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
"token": "幣種",
"token-collateral-multiplier": "{{token}}質押品乘數",
"tokens": "幣種",
"tooltip-borrow-fee": "The fee for originating a loan.",
"tooltip-borrow-fee": "借貸費用。",
"tooltip-borrow-rate": "您將為借入餘額支付的可變利率",
"tooltip-collateral-value": "您可以交易或借入的美元金額",
"total": "總計",
@ -173,5 +173,5 @@
"withdraw-amount": "取款額",
"list-token": "列表代币",
"vote": "投票",
"yes": "Yes"
"yes": ""

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"perp-details": "{{market}} Stats"
"perp-details": "{{market}}統計"

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"fees-paid-to": "繳給{{route}}的費用",
"health-impact": "健康影響",
"hide-fees": "隱藏費用",
"hide-swap-history": "Hide Swap History",
"hide-swap-history": "隱藏換幣紀錄",
"input-reduce-only-warning": "{{symbol}}處於僅減少模式。您可以將餘額換成另一個幣種",
"insufficient-balance": "{{symbol}}餘額不夠",
"insufficient-collateral": "質押品不夠",
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"received": "獲取",
"review-swap": "檢視換幣",
"show-fees": "顯示費用",
"show-swap-history": "Show Swap History Prices shown are from CoinGecko and may not match your swap price",
"show-swap-history": "顯示換幣紀錄價格來自CoinGecko而也許跟換幣價格不同",
"slippage": "下滑",
"swap-history": "換幣紀錄",
"swap-into-1": "以你的質押品來借貸並進行高達5倍槓桿換幣。",

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"all-time-high": "歷史高價",
"all-time-low": "歷史低價",
"borrow-rates": "借貸利率",
"borrow-upkeep-rate": "Borrow Upkeep Fee",
"borrow-upkeep-rate": "維持借貸的費用",
"borrowing": "借入",
"borrows": "借貸",
"chart-unavailable": "無法顯示圖表",

View File

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
"in-orders": "在掛單中",
"init-leverage": "初始槓桿",
"instantaneous-funding": "瞬時資金費率",
"insured": "{{token}} Insured",
"insured": "被{{token}}保險",
"interval-seconds": "間隔(秒)",
"last-updated": "Last updated",
"last-updated": "最近更新",
"limit-price": "限價價格",
"long": "做多",
"maker": "掛單者",
@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
"notional": "合約面值",
"notional-volume": "面值交易量($)",
"open-interest": "持倉量",
"oracle": "Oracle",
"oracle-not-updated": "This oracle has not updated recently.",
"oracle-not-updated-warning": "Actions will fail for accounts with a position in this token.",
"oracle": "預言機",
"oracle-not-updated": "此預言機最近沒有更新。",
"oracle-not-updated-warning": "含有此幣種的帳戶無法進行活動。",
"oracle-price": "預言機價格",
"order-error": "下訂單出錯了",
"order-type": "訂單方式",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"post": "Post",
"preview-sound": "聲音預覽",
"price-expect": "您收到的價格可能與您預期有差異,並且無法保證完全執行。為了您的安全,最大滑點保持為 2.5%。超過 2.5%滑點的部分不會被平倉。",
"price-provided-by": "Oracle by",
"price-provided-by": "語言機來自",
"quote": "計價",
"reduce-only": "限減少",
"sells": "賣單",
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"tick-size": "波動單位",
"tooltip-enable-margin": "為此交易啟用保證金",
"tooltip-ioc": "IOC交易若不吃單就會被取消。任何無法立刻成交的部分將被取消",
"tooltip-insured": "Whether or not {{tokenOrMarket}} losses can be recovered from the insurance fund in the event of bankruptcies.",
"tooltip-insured": "如果發生破產,{{tokenOrMarket}}損失是否可以從保險基金中歸還",
"tooltip-post": "Post交易若不掛單就會被取消。",
"tooltip-slippage": "當前價格與您的交易將執行的價格之間的差值的估計",
"tooltip-stable-price": "穩定價格用於一個安全機制。此機制可以限制用戶在預言機價格快速波動時下風險高的訂單",

View File

@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
"slippage-warning": "您的訂單價格({{updatedOrderPrice}})多餘5%{{aboveBelow}}市場價格({{selectedMarketPrice}})表是您也許遭受可觀的下滑。",
"toggle-order-line": "切換訂單線可見性",
"toggle-stable-price": "切換穩定價格線",
"toggle-trade-executions": "Show trade executions. Limited to your last 250 trades across all markets."
"toggle-trade-executions": "顯示成交。限於全部試場的最近250交易。"