
2.1 KiB

Mango v4 release steps

  • Setup and info

    • $KEY as a path to a keypair (needs around 20 SOL for the buffer)
    • $RPC_URL as a url to an RPC node
    • 4MangoMjqJ2firMokCjjGgoK8d4MXcrgL7XJaL3w6fVg is the address of the Mango v4 Program
    • FP4PxqHTVzeG2c6eZd7974F9WvKUSdBeduUK3rjYyvBw is the address of the Mango v4 Program Governance
  • Check out the latest version of the dev branch

  • Update the changelog

    git log program-v0.11.0..HEAD -- programs/mango-v4/

  • Make sure the version is bumped in programs/mango-v4/Cargo.toml

  • Update the idl ./

  • Run the tests to double check

  • Tag and push

  • Do a verifiable build

    Set GITHUB_SHA and GITHUB_REF_NAME to the release sha1 and tag name.

    anchor build --verifiable --docker-image backpackapp/build:v0.28.0 --solana-version 1.16.14 --env GITHUB_SHA --env GITHUB_REF_NAME -- --features enable-gpl

    (or wait for github to finish and create the release)

  • Get the checksum of the verifiable build binary

    sha256sum target/verifiable/

    to compare it with the one from github.

  • Create the program buffer

    solana -k $KEY -u $RPC_URL program write-buffer target/verifiable/

    Save the returned address as $PROGRAM_BUFFER

  • Set new buffer authority

    solana -k $KEY -u $RPC_URL program set-buffer-authority --new-buffer-authority FP4PxqHTVzeG2c6eZd7974F9WvKUSdBeduUK3rjYyvBw $PROGRAM_BUFFER

  • Create IDL buffer

    anchor idl write-buffer --provider.cluster $RPC_URL --provider.wallet $KEY --filepath target/idl/mango_v4_no_docs.json 4MangoMjqJ2firMokCjjGgoK8d4MXcrgL7XJaL3w6fVg

    Save the returned address as $IDL_BUFFER

  • Set IDL buffer authority

    anchor idl set-authority --provider.cluster $RPC_URL --provider.wallet $KEY --program-id 4MangoMjqJ2firMokCjjGgoK8d4MXcrgL7XJaL3w6fVg --new-authority FP4PxqHTVzeG2c6eZd7974F9WvKUSdBeduUK3rjYyvBw $IDL_BUFFER

  • Make a gist for the proposal description, ideally based on previous upgrade proposals

  • Go to the DAO proposal website and make a proposal:

    • Upgrade program with the new buffer, set the spill address to the address of $KEY
    • Upgrade idl with the new buffer
  • Bump the version to the next one, update idl and push