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There are two pieces to og-image that are worth noting before you begin development.

  1. The backend image generator located in /src/card.ts
  2. The frontend inputs located in /src/browser.ts

The Now 2.0 platform handles routing in an elegate way for us so deployment is easy.

However, local development requires a few steps.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies
  3. Run npm run watch to get TS to JS compilation file watch running (compiles on save)
  4. Run the backend with npm start (you can try it by visiting http://localhost:13463/Nice.png)
  5. Run the frontend with npx http-server . and visit http://localhost:8080/public/index.html
  6. If necessary, edit the exePath in options.ts to point to your local Chrome executable

Now you're ready to start local development!