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# Pyth EVM price pusher
Pyth EVM price pusher is a service that regularly pushes updates to the on-chain Pyth price based on configurable conditions.
## Background
Pyth is a cross-chain oracle that streams price updates over the peer-to-peer [Wormhole Network](https://wormholenetwork.com/).
These price updates can be consumed on any chain that has a deployment of the Pyth contract.
By default, Pyth does not automatically update the on-chain price every time the off-chain price changes;
instead, anyone can permissionlessly update the on-chain price prior to using it.
For more information please refer to [this document](../pyth-evm-js/README.md#how-pyth-works-on-evm-chains).
Protocols integrating with can update the on-chain Pyth prices in two different ways.
The first approach is on-demand updates: package a Pyth price update together with each transaction that depends on it.
On-demand updates minimize latency and are more gas efficient, as prices are only updated on-chain when they are needed.
The second approach is to run this service to regularly push updates to the on-chain price.
This approach is useful for protocols that already depend on regular push updates.
## Running Price Pusher
The price pusher service monitors both the off-chain and on-chain Pyth price for a configured set of price feeds.
It then pushes a price update to an on-chain Pyth contract if any of the following conditions are met:
- Time difference: The on-chain price is older than `time_difference` seconds
from the latest Pyth price.
- Price deviation: The latest Pyth price feed has changed more than `price_deviation` percent
from the on-chain price feed price.
- Confidence ratio: The latest Pyth price feed has confidence to price ratio of more than
The parameters above are configured per price feed in a price configuration YAML file. The structure looks like this:
- alias: A/USD # Arbitrary alias for the price feed. It is used in enhance logging.
id: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef # id of a price feed, a 32-byte hex string.
time_difference: 60 # Time difference threshold (in seconds) to push a newer price feed.
price_deviation: 0.5 # The price deviation (%) threshold to push a newer price feed.
confidence_ratio: 1 # The confidence/price (%) threshold to push a newer price feed.
- ...
You can get the list of available price feeds from
To run the price pusher, please run the following commands, replacing the command line arguments as necessary:
npm install # Only run it the first time
# For EVM
npm run start -- evm --endpoint wss://example-rpc.com \
--pyth-contract-address 0xff1a0f4744e8582DF...... \
--price-service-endpoint https://example-pyth-price.com \
--price-config-file "path/to/price-config-file.yaml.testnet.sample.yaml" \
--mnemonic-file "path/to/mnemonic.txt" \
[--cooldown-duration 10] \
[--polling-frequency 5]
# For Injective
npm run start -- injective --grpc-endpoint https://grpc-endpoint.com \
--pyth-contract-address inj1z60tg0... --price-service-endpoint "https://example-pyth-price.com" \
--price-config-file "path/to/price-config-file.yaml.testnet.sample.yaml" \
--mnemonic-file "path/to/mnemonic.txt" \
[--cooldown-duration 10] \
[--polling-frequency 5]
# Or, run the price pusher docker image instead of building from the source
docker run public.ecr.aws/pyth-network/xc-evm-price-pusher:v<version> -- <above-arguments>
### Command Line Arguments
To know more about the arguments the price-pusher accepts. You can run:
npm run start -- --help
# for specific network run
npm run start -- {network} --help
### Example
For example, to push `BTC/USD` and `BNB/USD` prices on BNB testnet, run the following command:
npm run dev -- evm --endpoint https://endpoints.omniatech.io/v1/fantom/testnet/public \
--pyth-contract-address 0xd7308b14BF4008e7C7196eC35610B1427C5702EA --price-service-endpoint https://xc-testnet.pyth.network \
--mnemonic-file "./mnemonic" --price-config-file "./price-config.testnet.sample.yaml"
[`price-config.testnet.sample.yaml`](./price-config.testnet.sample.yaml) contains configuration for `BTC/USD`
and `BNB/USD` price feeds on Pyth testnet. [`price-config.mainnet.sample.yaml`](./price-config.mainnet.sample.yaml)
contains the same configuration for `BTC/USD` and `BNB/USD` on Pyth mainnet.
You can also provide a config file instead of providing command line options, run the following command:
npm run start -- injective --config "./config.injective.sample.json"
[`config.injective.sample.json`](./config.injective.sample.json) contains configuration to publish on Injective testnet.
## Running using a standalone price service (via docker-compose)
Price pusher communicates with [Pyth price service][] to get the most recent price updates. Pyth price service listens to the
Wormhole network to get latest price updates, and serves REST and websocket APIs for consumers to fetch the updates.
Pyth hosts public endpoints for the price service; however, it is recommended to run it standalone to achieve more resiliency and
This directory contains sample docker compose files ([testnet](./docker-compose.testnet.sample.yaml),
[mainnet](./docker-compose.mainnet.sample.yaml)) a price pusher and its dependencies, including a
price service and a Wormhole spy. A price service depends on a Wormhole spy. A spy listens to the Wormhole
network and reports all Pyth-related Wormhole messages to the price service.
To run the services via docker-compose, please modify the your target network (testnet, mainnet) sample docker-compose file to adjust the configurations.
Then, start the docker-compose like this:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.testnet.sample.yaml up
It will take a few minutes until all the services are up and running.
[pyth price service]: https://github.com/pyth-network/pyth-crosschain/tree/main/price_service/server