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Pyth Cross-chain Governance Admin CLI Program

The goal of this CLI is interacting with the Pyth Squads multisig. It allows to :

  • Make proposals :
    • accept-authority
    • upgrade-program
    • init-price
    • propose-token-transfer
  • Interact with proposals :
    • approve
    • activate
  • Inspect proposals :
    • parse-transaction



  • When using with Ledger, please enable blind signing in the Solana app settings. TLDR: When you enable blind signing, you enable your device to approve a smart contract transaction, even though it hasnt been able to display full contract data to you. In other words, youre agreeing to trust, instead of verify, the transaction. You still have to manually approve each transactions.
  • Information about ledger derivation can be found here.


To activate a transaction:

npm install
npx lerna run build --scope "xc_admin_common"  --include-dependencies
npx ts-node src/index.ts activate -t <TRANSACTION_HASH> -c <CLUSTER: [mainnet|devnet|testnet] -v <VAULT_ADDRESS> -w <WALLET_SECRET_KEY_FILEPATH: [filepath|"ledger"]> -lda <LEDGER_DERIVATION_ACCOUNT> -ldc <LEDGER_DERIVATION_CHANGE>