
53 lines
732 B

## Prerequisites
- Docker
- NodeJS v14+
Run the following from the root of this repo
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target node-export -f Dockerfile.proto -o type=local,dest=. .
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f solana/Dockerfile.wasm -o type=local,dest=. solana
npm ci --prefix ethereum
npm ci --prefix sdk/js
npm run build --prefix sdk/js
The remaining steps can be run from this folder
## Install
npm ci
## Develop
npm start
## Build for local tilt network
npm run build
## Build for testnet
REACT_APP_CLUSTER=testnet npm run build
## Build for mainnet
REACT_APP_CLUSTER=mainnet npm run build
## Test Server
npx serve -s build