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Field Type Description
name u8[32] Name of the aggregator to store on-chain.
metadata u8[128] Metadata of the aggregator to store on-chain.
reserved1 u8[32] Reserved.
queuePubkey publicKey Pubkey of the queue the aggregator belongs to.
oracleRequestBatchSize u32 Number of oracles assigned to an update request.
minOracleResults u32 Minimum number of oracle responses required before a round is validated.
minJobResults u32 Minimum number of job results before an oracle accepts a result.
minUpdateDelaySeconds u32 Minimum number of seconds required between aggregator rounds.
startAfter i64 unix_timestamp for which no feed update will occur before.
varianceThreshold SwitchboardDecimal Change percentage required between a previous round and the current round. If variance percentage is not met, reject new oracle responses.
forceReportPeriod i64 Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept new responses from oracles.
expiration i64 Timestamp when the feed is no longer needed.
consecutiveFailureCount u64 Counter for the number of consecutive failures before a feed is removed from a queue. If set to 0, failed feeds will remain on the queue.
nextAllowedUpdateTime i64 Timestamp when the next update request will be available.
isLocked bool Flag for whether an aggregators configuration is locked for editing.
crankPubkey publicKey Optional, public key of the crank the aggregator is currently using. Event based feeds do not need a crank.
latestConfirmedRound AggregatorRound Latest confirmed update request result that has been accepted as valid.
currentRound AggregatorRound Oracle results from the current round of update request that has not been accepted as valid yet.
jobPubkeysData publicKey[16] List of public keys containing the job definitions for how data is sourced off-chain by oracles.
jobHashes Hash[16] Used to protect against malicious RPC nodes providing incorrect task definitions to oracles before fulfillment.
jobPubkeysSize u32 Number of jobs assigned to an oracle.
jobsChecksum u8[32] Used to protect against malicious RPC nodes providing incorrect task definitions to oracles before fulfillment.
authority publicKey The account delegated as the authority for making account changes or withdrawing funds from a lease.
historyBuffer publicKey Optional, public key of a history buffer account storing the last N accepted results and their timestamps.
previousConfirmedRoundResult SwitchboardDecimal The previous confirmed round result.
previousConfirmedRoundSlot u64 The slot when the previous confirmed round was opened.
disableCrank bool Whether an aggregator is permitted to join a crank.
jobWeights u8[16] Job weights used for the weighted median of the aggregator's assigned job accounts.
ebuf u8[147] Reserved.