6.5 KiB
6.5 KiB
Size: 1269 Bytes
Rent Exemption: 0.009723120 SOL
Field | Type | Description |
name | u8[32] | Name of the queue to store on-chain. |
metadata | u8[64] | Metadata of the queue to store on-chain. |
authority | publicKey | The account delegated as the authority for making account changes or assigning permissions targeted at the queue. |
oracleTimeout | u32 | Time period we should remove an oracle after if no response. |
reward | u64 | Rewards to provide oracles and round openers on this queue. |
minStake | u64 | The minimum amount of stake oracles must present to remain on the queue. |
slashingEnabled | bool | Whether slashing is enabled on this queue. |
varianceToleranceMultiplier | SwitchboardDecimal | The tolerated variance amount oracle results can have from the accepted round result before being slashed. slashBound = varianceToleranceMultiplier * stdDeviation Default: 2 |
feedProbationPeriod | u32 | After a feed lease is funded or re-funded, it must consecutively succeed N amount of times or its authorization to use the queue is auto-revoked. |
currIdx | u32 | Current index of the oracle rotation. |
size | u32 | Current number of oracles on a queue. |
gcIdx | u32 | Garbage collection index. |
consecutiveFeedFailureLimit | u64 | Consecutive failure limit for a feed before feed permission is revoked. |
consecutiveOracleFailureLimit | u64 | Consecutive failure limit for an oracle before oracle permission is revoked. |
unpermissionedFeedsEnabled | bool | Enabling this setting means data feeds do not need explicit permission to join the queue and request new values from its oracles. |
unpermissionedVrfEnabled | bool | Enabling this setting means VRF accounts do not need explicit permission to join the queue and request new values from its oracles. |
curatorRewardCut | SwitchboardDecimal | Not implemented yet. Revenue percentage rewarded to job curators overall. |
lockLeaseFunding | bool | Prevent new leases from being funded n this queue. Useful to turn down a queue for migrations, since authority is always immutable. |
mint | publicKey | Token mint used for the oracle queue rewards and slashing. |
enableBufferRelayers | bool | Whether oracles are permitted to fulfill buffer relayer update request. |
ebuf | u8[968] | Reserved. |
maxSize | u32 | Maximum number of oracles a queue can support. |
dataBuffer | publicKey | The public key of the OracleQueueBuffer account holding a collection of Oracle pubkeys that haver successfully heartbeated before the queues oracleTimeout . |