
4.8 KiB

create and manage an oracle queue from a json file

sbv2 json:add:aggregator

add an aggregator to a schema file

  $ sbv2 json:add:aggregator

  -a, --authority=authority            alternate keypair that is the authority for the oracle queue
  -a, --schema=schema                  filesystem path for an oracle queue schema
  -h, --help                           show CLI help

  -k, --keypair=keypair                keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                       if no alternate authority provided

  -s, --silent                         suppress cli prompts

  -u, --rpcUrl=rpcUrl                  alternate RPC url

  -v, --verbose                        log everything

  --aggregatorFile=aggregatorFile      filesystem path of job json definition file

  --mainnetBeta                        WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster

  --programId=programId                alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --sourceAggregator=sourceAggregator  public key of an existing aggregator account to copy

See code: src/commands/json/add/aggregator.ts

sbv2 json:add:crank SCHEMAFILE

add a crank to a schema file

  $ sbv2 json:add:crank SCHEMAFILE

  SCHEMAFILE  filesystem path for an oracle queue schema

  -a, --authority=authority  alternate keypair that is the authority for the oracle queue
  -h, --help                 show CLI help

  -k, --keypair=keypair      keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority if no
                             alternate authority provided

  -n, --name=name            name of the crank for easier identification

  -r, --maxRows=maxRows      maximum number of rows a crank can support

  -s, --silent               suppress cli prompts

  -u, --rpcUrl=rpcUrl        alternate RPC url

  -v, --verbose              log everything

  --mainnetBeta              WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster

  --programId=programId      alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

See code: src/commands/json/add/crank.ts

sbv2 json:add:oracle SCHEMAFILE

add an oracle to a schema file

  $ sbv2 json:add:oracle SCHEMAFILE

  SCHEMAFILE  filesystem path for an oracle queue schema

  -a, --authority=authority  alternate keypair that is the authority for the oracle queue
  -h, --help                 show CLI help

  -k, --keypair=keypair      keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority if no
                             alternate authority provided

  -n, --name=name            name of the crank for easier identification

  -s, --silent               suppress cli prompts

  -u, --rpcUrl=rpcUrl        alternate RPC url

  -v, --verbose              log everything

  --mainnetBeta              WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster

  --programId=programId      alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

See code: src/commands/json/add/oracle.ts

sbv2 json:create:queue INPUTFILE OUTPUTFILE

create an oracle queue from a json file

  $ sbv2 json:create:queue INPUTFILE OUTPUTFILE

  INPUTFILE   filesystem path of queue definition json file
  OUTPUTFILE  filesystem path of output file to quickly load the queue

  -h, --help             show CLI help

  -k, --keypair=keypair  keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority if no
                         alternate authority provided

  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts

  -u, --rpcUrl=rpcUrl    alternate RPC url

  -v, --verbose          log everything

  --authority=authority  alternate keypair that will be the authority for any created accounts

  --force                overwrite output file

  --mainnetBeta          WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster

  --programId=programId  alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  $ sbv2 queue:create:json

  $ sbv2 json:create:queue examples/queue.json queue-1.json -k ../authority-keypair.json

See code: src/commands/json/create/queue.ts