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The Solana FluxAggregator program is modeled after the FluxAggregator.sol contract in ChainLink.

Data submissions happen rounds. In each round minSubmissions must be achieved to arrive at an answer.

  • An oracle must wait restartDelay rounds before being allowed to initialize a round
    • restarDelay should default to oraclesCount/3
  • Oracles should submit a new round when value deviates at least minDeviation from the latest answer.
    • minDeviation should default to 0.1%
    • This is not enforced by the smart contract
  • latestAnswer should return the median, as well as the latestAnswerResolvedTime timestamp
  • A round updates the latest answer when minSubmissions is reached, taking the median
  • Each additional answer in the same round below maxSubmissions would recalculate the median, and update the latest answer
  • If rounds stop updating (i.e. not enough oracles to reach minSubmissions), the latest answer is always the last round that had resolved
  • An oracle cannot submit to the previous round. The transaction will revert, and the oracle should retry

Wont implement:

  • Oracle can start a new round only if the round fails to resolve an answer after roundTimout (while satisfying restartDelay)
    • Reason: restartDelay is sufficient
  • An authorized requester can start a new round at any time, limited by requesterRestartDelay
    • Reason: just ask oracle do it
  • Feedback: Oracles can submit to the previous round if the current round has not reached minSubmissions
    • Reason: This would complicate implementation, and doesn't provide much value, since on solana tx are really cheap. Reverted TXs are no big deal.