
1.1 KiB

Thanks for contributing to solana-web3.js!

As a contributor, here are the guidelines we would like you to follow:

  • Ensure npm run ok passes before submitting a Pull Request
  • Features and bug fixes should be covered by new test cases
  • Commits follow the Angular commit convention

Creating releases

We use semantic-release to release new versions automatically from the master branch:

  • Commits of type fix will trigger bugfix releases, think 0.0.1
  • Commits of type feat will trigger feature releases, think 0.1.0
  • Commits with BREAKING CHANGE in body or footer will trigger breaking releases, think 1.0.0

All other commit types will trigger no new release.


Static Analysis

eslint and flow-type are used.

Helpful link:

Testing Framework

API Documentation

ESDoc is used to document the public API. See for details.