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Program Keys and Signatures


Programs cannot generate their own signatures in process_instruction as defined in the Cross-Program Invocations design.

Lack of programmatic signature generation limits the kinds of programs that can be implemented in Solana. For example, a program cannot take ownership of a TokenAccount and later in a different transaction transfer the ownership based on the state of another program. If two users want to make a wager in tokens on the outcome of a game in Solana, they must transfer tokens to some intermediary that will honor their agreement. Currently there is no way to implement this intermediary as a program in Solana.

This capability is necessary for many DeFi applications, since they require assets to be transferred to an escrow agent until some event occurs that determines the new owner.

  • Decentralized Exchanges that transfer assets between matching bid and ask orders.

  • Auctions that transfer assets to the winner.

  • Games or prediction markets that collect and redistribute prizes to the winners.

Proposed Solution

The key to the design is two fold:

  1. Allow programs to control specific addresses, called Program Addresses, in such a way that it is impossible for any external user to generate valid transactions with signatures for those addresses.

  2. To allow programs to programatically control KeyedAccount::is_signer value for Program Addresses that are present in instructions that is invoked via process_instruction().

Given the two conditions, users can securely transfer or assign ownershp of on chain assets to Program Addresses. Once assigned, the program and only the program can execute instructions that refences a Program Address with KeyedAccount::is_signer set to true.

Private keys for Program Addresses

This address has no private key associated with it, and generating a signature for it is impossible. While it has no private key of its own, the program can issue an instruction to set the KeyedAccount::is_signer flag for this address.

Hash based generated Program Addresses

All 256 bit values are valid ed25519 curve points, and valid ed25519 public keys. All are equally secure and equally as hard to break. Based on this assumption, Program Addresses can be deterministically derived from a base seed using a 256 bit preimage resistant hash function.

Deterministic Program Addresses for programs follow a similar derivation path as Accounts created with SystemInstruction::CreateAccountWithSeed which is implemented with system_instruction::create_address_with_seed.

For reference the implementation is as follows:

pub fn create_address_with_seed(
    base: &Pubkey,
    seed: &str,
    program_id: &Pubkey,
) -> Result<Pubkey, SystemError> {
    if seed.len() > MAX_ADDRESS_SEED_LEN {
        return Err(SystemError::MaxSeedLengthExceeded);

        hashv(&[base.as_ref(), seed.as_ref(), program_id.as_ref()]).as_ref(),

Programs can deterministically derive any number of addresses by using a keyword. The keyword can symbolically identify how this address is used.

//! Generate a derived program address
//!     * program_id, the program's id
//!     * key_base, can be any public key chosen by the program
//!     * keyword, symbolic keyword to identify the key
//! The tuple (`key_base`, `keyword`) is used by programs to create user specific
//! symbolic keys.  For example for the staking contact, the program may need:
//!     * <user account>/<"withdrawer">
//!     * <user account>/<"staker">
//!     * <user account>/<"custodian">
//! As generated keys to control a single stake account for each user.
pub fn derive_program_address(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    key_base, &Pubkey,
    keyword, &str,
) -> Result<Pubkey, SystemError> {

    // Generate a deterministic base for all program addresses that
    // are owned by `program_id`.
    // Hashing twice is recommended to prevent lenght extension attacks.
        hashv(&[hashv(&[program_id.as_ref(), key_base.as_ref(), keyword.as_ref(),

Using Program Addresses

Clients can use the derive_program_address function to generate a destination address.

//deterministically derive the escrow key
let escrow_pubkey = derive_program_address(&escrow_program_id, &alice_pubkey, &"escrow");
let message = Message::new(vec![
    token_instruction::transfer(&alice_pubkey, &escrow_pubkey, 1),
//transfer 1 token to escrow
client.send_message(&[&alice_keypair], &message);

Programs can use the same function to generate the same address. Below the program issue a token_instruction::transfer from its own address as if it had a private key to sign the transaction.

fn transfer_one_token_from_escrow(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    keyed_accounts: &[KeyedAccount]
) -> Result<()> {

    //user supplies the destination
    let alice_pubkey = keyed_accounts[1].key;

    // Deterministically derive the escrow pubkey.
    let escrow_pubkey = derive_program_address(program_id, &alice_pubkey, &"escrow");

    //create the transfer instruction
    let instruction = token_instruction::transfer(&escrow_pubkey, &alice_pubkey, 1);

    // The runtime deterministically derives the key from the current
    // program id and the supplied keywords.
    // If the derived key matches a key in the instruction
    // the `is_signed` flag is set.
    process_signed_instruction(&instruction,  &[(&alice_pubkey, &"escrow")])?

Setting KeyedAccount::is_signer

The addresses generated with derive_program_address are blinded and are indistinguishable from any other pubkey. The only way for the runtime to verify that the address belongs to a program is for the program to supply the keyword used to generate the address.

The runtime will internally run derive_program_address(program_id, &alice_pubkey, &"escrow"), and compare the result against the addresses supplied in the instruction.