
3.0 KiB


Permission required to change settings:

/elevator   (Show help menu)
/elevator floors X (X number of floors, use negitive numbers to go down instead of up)
/elevator return Bool (true or false if you want it to auto return after delay)
/elevator delay X (X number of seconds before it auto returns)
/elevator speed X (X is float number of speed)
/elevator direction X (X is int number of direction selection)
/elevator position X|X|X (X is float numbers of vector3)
/elevator save yes (Saves the data file straight away)
/elevator reset yes (Clears saved data)
/elevator pos get (Prints on screen the players current Vector position)

How To:
Place down "Elevator Lift Static" in rust edit where you want them to spawn.
Install plugin as usual.
Start server and elevators will spawn in those postions with default config of moving 1 floor.
Join the server and with the correct permission stand on the elevator and look down.
Use commands to adjust its settings.

Settings are persistance across server restarts/wipes.
Which is stored in your oxide/data folder as AutoElevators.json
The data file is saved on server save hook, plugin unload or by manually calling it with chat command /elevator save yes

If you are switching maps either delete this file before starting server or from server run /elevator reset yes


Using Buttons:
Place a push button within a 0.8f radius of the travel path of the elevator.
It will scan up and down that area to find which elevator to control.

You can do more than just go up and down.
Using the /elevator direction 0-7 command.
You have
Setting 0 (Up and down)
Setting 1 (Forward and backwards
Setting 2 (Side to side)
Setting 3 (Got to vector address)
Setting 4 (Rotate on X axis)
Setting 5 (Rotate on Y axis)
Setting 6 (Rotate on Z axis)
Setting 7 (Go up and 180 rotate)

Example of Rotation in action: