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Just to iterate, None of my plugins or parts of there code are to be used in other paid services/plugins.<br>
Please report it if you come across any that are in breach of this.<br><br>
# SkinAndSpay
Skin Handling And Custom Spray Decals.<br><br>
Note: Plugin Wil fallback to mode where it skins the decal 2 seconds after the spray on oxide versions that are missing OnSprayCreate Hook<br>
Make sure you dont move for the 3 seconds it takes when using oxide version 2.0.5532.0.<br><br>
//Chat commands
/Spray skinid = Sets spraycan to use custom skinid or returns to default if already set.<br>
/sprayresize size = Resizes the spray being looked at.<br>
/spraysize size = Custom sprays will come out at this size.<br>
/SkinAndSpay skinid = Just reskin with provided skinid.<br>
/SkinAndSpay skinid "new name" = Reskin and change name of item.<br>
//Permission to use command<br>
SkinAndSpay.use (To Chance Spray Skins)<br> (To Use the Chat Command To Skin Items)<br>
SkinAndSpay.size (To Use the Resize Commands)<br><br>
# SkinAndSpay Creating Skins
Demo Video:
<br>SprayCan Skins Only Work If They Are Tagged As "Spray Can Decal".<br>
The built in workshop editor in rust doesnt allow this so youll need to create the skins with my tool.<br>
# Using Skins Plugin As GUI
You can use another plugih such as Skins to work as a GUI for allowing players to switch between skins.<br>
Here is a example you can add to oxide/config/Skins.json<br>
<p style="padding-left: 80px;">{<br />"Item Shortname": "spraycan",<br />"Skins": [<br />2816639887,<br />2816652031,<br />2816648654,<br />2816580876,<br />2816218649,<br />2816218582,<br />2816218516,<br />2816218452,<br />2816676408,<br />2816675297,<br />2816673852,<br />2816773393,<br />2816763883,<br />2816766036,<br />2816768996<br />]<br />},</p>