
153 lines
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# Accounts
This document describes the in-built account and public key system of the Cosmos SDK. {synopsis}
## Pre-requisite Readings
* [Anatomy of a Cosmos SDK Application](./ {prereq}
## Account Definition
In the Cosmos SDK, an _account_ designates a pair of _public key_ `PubKey` and _private key_ `PrivKey`. The `PubKey` can be derived to generate various `Addresses`, which are used to identify users (among other parties) in the application. `Addresses` are also associated with [`message`s](../building-modules/ to identify the sender of the `message`. The `PrivKey` is used to generate [digital signatures](#signatures) to prove that an `Address` associated with the `PrivKey` approved of a given `message`.
For HD key derivation the Cosmos SDK uses a standard called [BIP32]( The BIP32 allows users to create an HD wallet (as specified in [BIP44]( - a set of accounts derived from an initial secret seed. A seed is usually created from a 12- or 24-word mnemonic. A single seed can derive any number of `PrivKey`s using a one-way cryptographic function. Then, a `PubKey` can be derived from the `PrivKey`. Naturally, the mnemonic is the most sensitive information, as private keys can always be re-generated if the mnemonic is preserved.
Account 0 Account 1 Account 2
+------------------+ +------------------+ +------------------+
| | | | | |
| Address 0 | | Address 1 | | Address 2 |
| ^ | | ^ | | ^ |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| + | | + | | + |
| Public key 0 | | Public key 1 | | Public key 2 |
| ^ | | ^ | | ^ |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| + | | + | | + |
| Private key 0 | | Private key 1 | | Private key 2 |
| ^ | | ^ | | ^ |
+------------------+ +------------------+ +------------------+
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| Master PrivKey |
| |
| |
| Mnemonic (Seed) |
| |
In the Cosmos SDK, keys are stored and managed by using an object called a [`Keyring`](#keyring).
## Keys, accounts, addresses, and signatures
The principal way of authenticating a user is done using [digital signatures]( Users sign transactions using their own private key. Signature verification is done with the associated public key. For on-chain signature verification purposes, we store the public key in an `Account` object (alongside other data required for a proper transaction validation).
In the node, all data is stored using Protocol Buffers serialization.
The Cosmos SDK supports the following digital key schemes for creating digital signatures:
* `secp256k1`, as implemented in the [Cosmos SDK's `crypto/keys/secp256k1` package](
* `secp256r1`, as implemented in the [Cosmos SDK's `crypto/keys/secp256r1` package](,
* `tm-ed25519`, as implemented in the [Cosmos SDK `crypto/keys/ed25519` package]( This scheme is supported only for the consensus validation.
| | Address length in bytes | Public key length in bytes | Used for transaction authentication | Used for consensus (tendermint) |
| :----------: | :---------------------: | :------------------------: | :---------------------------------: | :-----------------------------: |
| `secp256k1` | 20 | 33 | yes | no |
| `secp256r1` | 32 | 33 | yes | no |
| `tm-ed25519` | -- not used -- | 32 | no | yes |
## Addresses
`Addresses` and `PubKey`s are both public information that identifies actors in the application. `Account` is used to store authentication information. The basic account implementation is provided by a `BaseAccount` object.
Each account is identified using `Address` which is a sequence of bytes derived from a public key. In the Cosmos SDK, we define 3 types of addresses that specify a context where an account is used:
* `AccAddress` identifies users (the sender of a `message`).
* `ValAddress` identifies validator operators.
* `ConsAddress` identifies validator nodes that are participating in consensus. Validator nodes are derived using the **`ed25519`** curve.
These types implement the `Address` interface:
Address construction algorithm is defined in [ADR-28](
Here is the standard way to obtain an account address from a `pub` public key:
Of note, the `Marshal()` and `Bytes()` method both return the same raw `[]byte` form of the address. `Marshal()` is required for Protobuf compatibility.
For user interaction, addresses are formatted using [Bech32]( and implemented by the `String` method. The Bech32 method is the only supported format to use when interacting with a blockchain. The Bech32 human-readable part (Bech32 prefix) is used to denote an address type. Example:
| | Address Bech32 Prefix |
| ------------------ | --------------------- |
| Accounts | cosmos |
| Validator Operator | cosmosvaloper |
| Consensus Nodes | cosmosvalcons |
### Public Keys
Public keys in Cosmos SDK are defined by `cryptotypes.PubKey` interface. Since public keys are saved in a store, `cryptotypes.PubKey` extends the `proto.Message` interface:
A compressed format is used for `secp256k1` and `secp256r1` serialization.
* The first byte is a `0x02` byte if the `y`-coordinate is the lexicographically largest of the two associated with the `x`-coordinate.
* Otherwise the first byte is a `0x03`.
This prefix is followed by the `x`-coordinate.
Public Keys are not used to reference accounts (or users) and in general are not used when composing transaction messages (with few exceptions: `MsgCreateValidator`, `Validator` and `Multisig` messages).
For user interactions, `PubKey` is formatted using Protobufs JSON ([ProtoMarshalJSON]( function). Example:
## Keyring
A `Keyring` is an object that stores and manages accounts. In the Cosmos SDK, a `Keyring` implementation follows the `Keyring` interface:
The default implementation of `Keyring` comes from the third-party [`99designs/keyring`]( library.
A few notes on the `Keyring` methods:
* `Sign(uid string, payload []byte) ([]byte, sdkcrypto.PubKey, error)` strictly deals with the signature of the `payload` bytes. You must prepare and encode the transaction into a canonical `[]byte` form. Because protobuf is not deterministic, it has been decided in [ADR-020](../architecture/ that the canonical `payload` to sign is the `SignDoc` struct, deterministically encoded using [ADR-027](../architecture/ Note that signature verification is not implemented in the Cosmos SDK by default, it is deferred to the [`anteHandler`](../core/
* `NewAccount(uid, mnemonic, bip39Passwd, hdPath string, algo SignatureAlgo) (Info, error)` creates a new account based on the [`bip44 path`]( and persists it on disk. The `PrivKey` is **never stored unencrypted**, instead it is [encrypted with a passphrase]( before being persisted. In the context of this method, the key type and sequence number refer to the segment of the BIP44 derivation path (for example, `0`, `1`, `2`, ...) that is used to derive a private and a public key from the mnemonic. Using the same mnemonic and derivation path, the same `PrivKey`, `PubKey` and `Address` is generated. The following keys are supported by the keyring:
* `secp256k1`
* `ed25519`
* `ExportPrivKeyArmor(uid, encryptPassphrase string) (armor string, err error)` exports a private key in ASCII-armored encrypted format using the given passphrase. You can then either import the private key again into the keyring using the `ImportPrivKey(uid, armor, passphrase string)` function or decrypt it into a raw private key using the `UnarmorDecryptPrivKey(armorStr string, passphrase string)` function.
## Next {hide}
Learn about [gas and fees](./ {hide}