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Cosmos SDK Dependency Injection container Module






Issues with resolving dependencies in the container can be done with logs and Graphviz renderings of the container tree. By default, whenever there is an error, logs will be printed to stderr and a rendering of the dependency graph in Graphviz DOT format will be saved to

Here is an example Graphviz rendering of a successful build of a dependency graph: Graphviz Example

Rectangles represent functions, ovals represent types, rounded rectangles represent modules and the single hexagon represents the function which called Build. Black-colored shapes mark functions and types that were called/resolved without an error. Gray-colored nodes mark functions and types that could have been called/resolved in the container but were left unused.

Here is an example Graphviz rendering of a dependency graph build which failed: Graphviz Error Example

Graphviz DOT files can be converted into SVG's for viewing in a web browser using the dot command-line tool, ex:

> dot -Tsvg > debug_container.svg

Many other tools including some IDEs support working with DOT files.