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The group module uses the orm package which provides table storage with support for primary keys and secondary indexes. orm also defines Sequence which is a persistent unique key generator based on a counter that can be used along with Tables.

Here's the list of tables and associated sequences and indexes stored as part of the group module.

Group Table

The groupTable stores GroupInfo: 0x0 | BigEndian(GroupId) -> ProtocolBuffer(GroupInfo).


The value of groupSeq is incremented when creating a new group and corresponds to the new GroupId: 0x1 | 0x1 -> BigEndian.

The second 0x1 corresponds to the ORM sequenceStorageKey.


groupByAdminIndex allows to retrieve groups by admin address: 0x2 | len([]byte(group.Admin)) | []byte(group.Admin) | BigEndian(GroupId) -> []byte().

Group Member Table

The groupMemberTable stores GroupMembers: 0x10 | BigEndian(GroupId) | []byte(member.Address) -> ProtocolBuffer(GroupMember).

The groupMemberTable is a primary key table and its PrimaryKey is given by BigEndian(GroupId) | []byte(member.Address) which is used by the following indexes.


groupMemberByGroupIndex allows to retrieve group members by group id: 0x11 | BigEndian(GroupId) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().


groupMemberByMemberIndex allows to retrieve group members by member address: 0x12 | len([]byte(member.Address)) | []byte(member.Address) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

Group Policy Table

The groupPolicyTable stores GroupPolicyInfo: 0x20 | len([]byte(Address)) | []byte(Address) -> ProtocolBuffer(GroupPolicyInfo).

The groupPolicyTable is a primary key table and its PrimaryKey is given by len([]byte(Address)) | []byte(Address) which is used by the following indexes.


The value of groupPolicySeq is incremented when creating a new group policy and is used to generate the new group policy account Address: 0x21 | 0x1 -> BigEndian.

The second 0x1 corresponds to the ORM sequenceStorageKey.


groupPolicyByGroupIndex allows to retrieve group policies by group id: 0x22 | BigEndian(GroupId) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().


groupPolicyByAdminIndex allows to retrieve group policies by admin address: 0x23 | len([]byte(Address)) | []byte(Address) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().

Proposal Table

The proposalTable stores Proposals: 0x30 | BigEndian(ProposalId) -> ProtocolBuffer(Proposal).


The value of proposalSeq is incremented when creating a new proposal and corresponds to the new ProposalId: 0x31 | 0x1 -> BigEndian.

The second 0x1 corresponds to the ORM sequenceStorageKey.


proposalByGroupPolicyIndex allows to retrieve proposals by group policy account address: 0x32 | len([]byte(account.Address)) | []byte(account.Address) | BigEndian(ProposalId) -> []byte().


proposalByProposerIndex allows to retrieve proposals by proposer address: 0x33 | len([]byte(proposer.Address)) | []byte(proposer.Address) | BigEndian(ProposalId) -> []byte().

Vote Table

The voteTable stores Votes: 0x40 | BigEndian(ProposalId) | []byte(voter.Address) -> ProtocolBuffer(Vote).

The voteTable is a primary key table and its PrimaryKey is given by BigEndian(ProposalId) | []byte(voter.Address) which is used by the following indexes.


voteByProposalIndex allows to retrieve votes by proposal id: 0x41 | BigEndian(ProposalId) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().


voteByVoterIndex allows to retrieve votes by voter address: 0x42 | len([]byte(voter.Address)) | []byte(voter.Address) | PrimaryKey -> []byte().