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# Implementation (1/2)
## State
### Procedures and base types
`Procedures` define the rule according to which votes are run. There can only
be one active procedure at any given time. If governance wants to change a
procedure, either to modify a value or add/remove a parameter, a new procedure
has to be created and the previous one rendered inactive.
type DepositProcedure struct {
MinDeposit sdk.Coins // Minimum deposit for a proposal to enter voting period.
MaxDepositPeriod int64 // Maximum period for Atom holders to deposit on a proposal. Initial value: 2 months
type VotingProcedure struct {
VotingPeriod int64 // Length of the voting period. Initial value: 2 weeks
type TallyingProcedure struct {
Threshold sdk.Dec // Minimum propotion of Yes votes for proposal to pass. Initial value: 0.5
Veto sdk.Dec // Minimum proportion of Veto votes to Total votes ratio for proposal to be vetoed. Initial value: 1/3
GovernancePenalty sdk.Dec // Penalty if validator does not vote
GracePeriod int64 // If validator entered validator set in this period of blocks before vote ended, governance penalty does not apply
Procedures are stored in a global `GlobalParams` KVStore.
Additionally, we introduce some basic types:
type Vote byte
const (
VoteYes = 0x1
VoteNo = 0x2
VoteNoWithVeto = 0x3
VoteAbstain = 0x4
type ProposalType byte
const (
ProposalTypePlainText = 0x1 // Plain text proposals
ProposalTypeSoftwareUpgrade = 0x2 // Text proposal inducing a software upgrade
type ProposalStatus byte
const (
ProposalStatusOpen = 0x1 // Proposal is submitted. Participants can deposit on it but not vote
ProposalStatusActive = 0x2 // MinDeposit is reachhed, participants can vote
ProposalStatusAccepted = 0x3 // Proposal has been accepted
ProposalStatusRejected = 0x4 // Proposal has been rejected
ProposalStatusClosed. = 0x5 // Proposal never reached MinDeposit
### Deposit
type Deposit struct {
Amount sdk.Coins // Amount of coins deposited by depositer
Depositer crypto.address // Address of depositer
### ValidatorGovInfo
This type is used in a temp map when tallying
type ValidatorGovInfo struct {
Minus sdk.Dec
Vote Vote
### Proposals
`Proposals` are an item to be voted on.
type Proposal struct {
Title string // Title of the proposal
Description string // Description of the proposal
Type ProposalType // Type of proposal. Initial set {PlainTextProposal, SoftwareUpgradeProposal}
TotalDeposit sdk.Coins // Current deposit on this proposal. Initial value is set at InitialDeposit
Deposits []Deposit // List of deposits on the proposal
SubmitBlock int64 // Height of the block where TxGovSubmitProposal was included
Submitter sdk.Address // Address of the submitter
VotingStartBlock int64 // Height of the block where MinDeposit was reached. -1 if MinDeposit is not reached
CurrentStatus ProposalStatus // Current status of the proposal
YesVotes sdk.Dec
NoVotes sdk.Dec
NoWithVetoVotes sdk.Dec
AbstainVotes sdk.Dec
We also mention a method to update the tally for a given proposal:
func (proposal Proposal) updateTally(vote byte, amount sdk.Dec)
### Stores
*Stores are KVStores in the multistore. The key to find the store is the first parameter in the list*`
We will use one KVStore `Governance` to store two mappings:
* A mapping from `proposalID|'proposal'` to `Proposal`
* A mapping from `proposalID|'addresses'|address` to `Vote`. This mapping allows us to query all addresses that voted on the proposal along with their vote by doing a range query on `proposalID:addresses`
For pseudocode purposes, here are the two function we will use to read or write in stores:
* `load(StoreKey, Key)`: Retrieve item stored at key `Key` in store found at key `StoreKey` in the multistore
* `store(StoreKey, Key, value)`: Write value `Value` at key `Key` in store found at key `StoreKey` in the multistore
### Proposal Processing Queue
* `ProposalProcessingQueue`: A queue `queue[proposalID]` containing all the
`ProposalIDs` of proposals that reached `MinDeposit`. Each round, the oldest
element of `ProposalProcessingQueue` is checked during `BeginBlock` to see if
`CurrentBlock == VotingStartBlock + activeProcedure.VotingPeriod`. If it is,
then the application tallies the votes, compute the votes of each validator and checks if every validator in the valdiator set have voted
and, if not, applies `GovernancePenalty`. If the proposal is accepted, deposits are refunded.
After that proposal is ejected from `ProposalProcessingQueue` and the next element of the queue is evaluated.
And the pseudocode for the `ProposalProcessingQueue`:
in EndBlock do
checkProposal() // First call of the recursive function
// Recursive function. First call in BeginBlock
func checkProposal()
proposalID = ProposalProcessingQueue.Peek()
if (proposalID == nil)
proposal = load(Governance, <proposalID|'proposal'>) // proposal is a const key
votingProcedure = load(GlobalParams, 'VotingProcedure')
if (CurrentBlock == proposal.VotingStartBlock + votingProcedure.VotingPeriod && proposal.CurrentStatus == ProposalStatusActive)
// End of voting period, tally
validators =
tmpValMap := map(sdk.Address)ValidatorGovInfo
// Initiate mapping at 0. Validators that remain at 0 at the end of tally will be punished
for each validator in validators
tmpValMap(validator).Minus = 0
// Tally
voterIterator = rangeQuery(Governance, <proposalID|'addresses'>) //return all the addresses that voted on the proposal
for each (voterAddress, vote) in voterIterator
delegations = stakeKeeper.getDelegations(voterAddress) // get all delegations for current voter
for each delegation in delegations
// make sure delegation.Shares does NOT include shares being unbonded
tmpValMap(delegation.ValidatorAddr).Minus += delegation.Shares
proposal.updateTally(vote, delegation.Shares)
_, isVal = stakeKeeper.getValidator(voterAddress)
if (isVal)
tmpValMap(voterAddress).Vote = vote
tallyingProcedure = load(GlobalParams, 'TallyingProcedure')
// Slash validators that did not vote, or update tally if they voted
for each validator in validators
if (validator.bondHeight < CurrentBlock - tallyingProcedure.GracePeriod)
// only slash if validator entered validator set before grace period
if (!tmpValMap(validator).HasVoted)
slash validator by tallyingProcedure.GovernancePenalty
proposal.updateTally(tmpValMap(validator).Vote, (validator.TotalShares - tmpValMap(validator).Minus))
// Check if proposal is accepted or rejected
totalNonAbstain := proposal.YesVotes + proposal.NoVotes + proposal.NoWithVetoVotes
if (proposal.Votes.YesVotes/totalNonAbstain > tallyingProcedure.Threshold AND proposal.Votes.NoWithVetoVotes/totalNonAbstain < tallyingProcedure.Veto)
// proposal was accepted at the end of the voting period
// refund deposits (non-voters already punished)
proposal.CurrentStatus = ProposalStatusAccepted
for each (amount, depositer) in proposal.Deposits
depositer.AtomBalance += amount
// proposal was rejected
proposal.CurrentStatus = ProposalStatusRejected
store(Governance, <proposalID|'proposal'>, proposal)