Jae Kwon d83fc02597 MakePartSet takes partSize from config. fix replay test 2016-11-16 01:23:16 -05:00
README.md MakePartSet takes partSize from config. fix replay test 2016-11-16 01:23:16 -05:00
empty_block.cswal MakePartSet takes partSize from config. fix replay test 2016-11-16 01:23:16 -05:00
small_block1.cswal MakePartSet takes partSize from config. fix replay test 2016-11-16 01:23:16 -05:00
small_block2.cswal MakePartSet takes partSize from config. fix replay test 2016-11-16 01:23:16 -05:00


Generating test data

TODO: automate this process.

The easiest way to generate this data is to copy ~/.tendermint_test/somedir/* to ~/.tendermint and to run a local node. Note the tests expect a wal for block 1.

For empty_block.cswal, run the node and don't send any transactions.

For small_block1.cswal and small_block2.cswal, use the scripts/txs/random.sh 1000 36657 to start sending transactions before starting the node. small_block1.cswal uses the default large block part size, so the block should have one big part. For small_block2.cswal, set block_part_size = 512 in the config.toml.

Make sure to adjust the stepChanges in the testCases if the number of messages changes

If you need to change the signatures, you can use a script as follows: The privBytes comes from config/tendermint_test/...:

package main

import (


func main() {
	signBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("7B22636861696E5F6964223A2274656E6465726D696E745F74657374222C22766F7465223A7B22626C6F636B5F68617368223A2242453544373939433846353044354645383533364334333932464443384537423342313830373638222C22626C6F636B5F70617274735F686561646572223A506172745365747B543A31204236323237323535464632307D2C22686569676874223A312C22726F756E64223A302C2274797065223A327D7D")
	if err != nil {
	privBytes, err := hex.DecodeString("27F82582AEFAE7AB151CFB01C48BB6C1A0DA78F9BDDA979A9F70A84D074EB07D3B3069C422E19688B45CBFAE7BB009FC0FA1B1EA86593519318B7214853803C8")
	if err != nil {
	privKey := crypto.PrivKeyEd25519{}
	copy(privKey[:], privBytes)
	signature := privKey.Sign(signBytes)
	signatureEd25519 := signature.(crypto.SignatureEd25519)
	fmt.Printf("Signature Bytes: %X\n", signatureEd25519[:])