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# Deploy a Testnet
## Software Setup \(Manual Installation\)
- Install [GNU Wget](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/):
brew install wget
sudo apt-get install wget
Note: You can check other available options for downloading `wget` [here](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/faq.html#download).
**Get Source Code**
go get github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk
Now we can fetch the correct versions of each dependency by running:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk
git fetch --all
git checkout 0f2aa6b
make get_tools // run $ make update_tools if already installed
make get_vendor_deps
make install
The latest binaries should now be installed. Verify that everything is OK by running:
gaiad version
You should see:
And also:
gaiacli version
You should see:
## Genesis Setup
Initiliaze `gaiad` :
gaiad init
You can find the corresponding genesis files [here](https://github.com/tendermint/testnets). Then replace the `genesis.json`and `config.toml` files:
rm $HOME/.gaiad/config/genesis.json $HOME/.gaiad/config/config.toml $HOME/.gaiad/config/addrbook.json
wget -O $HOME/.gaiad/config/genesis.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmos/testnet/master/gaia-4000/genesis.json
wget -O $HOME/.gaiad/config/config.toml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cosmos/testnet/master/gaia-4000/config.toml
Lastly change the `moniker` string in the`config.toml`to identify your node.
# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "<your_custom_name>"
## Starting Gaiad
Start the full node:
gaiad start
Check the everything is running smoothly:
gaiacli status
## Generate keys
You'll need a private and public key pair \(a.k.a. `sk, pk` respectively\) to be able to receive funds, send txs, bond tx, etc.
To generate your a new key \(default _ed25519_ elliptic curve\):
gaiacli keys add default
Next, you will have to enter a passphrase for your key twice. Save the _seed phrase_ in a safe place in case you forget the password.
Now if you check your private keys you will see the key among them:
gaiacli keys list
## Getting Coins
Go to the faucet in [http://atomexplorer.com/](http://atomexplorer.com/) and claim some coins for your testnet by typing the address of your key, as printed out above.
## Send tokens
gaiacli send --amount=1000fermion --chain-id=gaia-4000 --sequence=0 --name=default --to=<destination_address>
The `--amount` flag defines the corresponding amount of the coin in the format `--amount=<value|coin_name>`
The `--sequence` flag corresponds to the sequence number to sign the tx.
Now check the destination account and your own account to check the updated balances \(by default the latest block\):
gaiacli account <destination_address>
gaiacli account <your_address>
## Staking: Becoming a Validator
Get your public key by typing:
gaiad show_validator
Take the base64 encoded string from the value field and use [this](https://cryptii.com/base64-to-hex) to convert it to hex.
Change `Group by` to `None`.
Send the bonding transaction:
*Remember to use your own validator address or use mine if you want to delegate to me.*
gaiacli bond --stake=6steak --validator=45798afe9b0cd7a05b765107b744478f91848d18a54ce7d06daace1c71a56913 --sequence=0 --chain-id=gaia-4000 --name=default