
2.2 KiB


  • tilt up and running with the Spy relayer enabled (--spy_relayer=True).
  • the CoreRelayer deployed to tilt.
  • Golang >= 1.17
  • jq installed and available in your path

relayer config

Config like contract addresses and RPC endpoints gets read from the .relayer.yaml file. any of the args can also be passed at runtime to override the values from the yaml file.

start the relayer


creating Go clients from ABIs


jq '.abi' ./ethereum/build/CoreRelayer.sol/CoreRelayer.json | docker run -i --rm  -v $(pwd):/root -u $(id -u):$(id -g)  ethereum/client-go:alltools-stable abigen --abi - --pkg core_relayer --type CoreRelayer --out /root/offchain-relayer/relay/ethereum/core_relayer/abi.go

get the deployed replayer contract address

CHAINID=1337 && jq '.transactions[] | select(.contractName == "ERC1967Proxy") | .contractAddress' ethereum/broadcast/deploy_contracts.sol/$CHAINID/run-latest.json

wormhole ChainID to network ID

        // Wormhole chain ids explicitly enumerated
        if        (chain == 2)  { evmChainId = 1;          // ethereum
        } else if (chain == 4)  { evmChainId = 56;         // bsc
        } else if (chain == 5)  { evmChainId = 137;        // polygon
        } else if (chain == 6)  { evmChainId = 43114;      // avalanche
        } else if (chain == 7)  { evmChainId = 42262;      // oasis
        } else if (chain == 9)  { evmChainId = 1313161554; // aurora
        } else if (chain == 10) { evmChainId = 250;        // fantom
        } else if (chain == 11) { evmChainId = 686;        // karura
        } else if (chain == 12) { evmChainId = 787;        // acala
        } else if (chain == 13) { evmChainId = 8217;       // klaytn
        } else if (chain == 14) { evmChainId = 42220;      // celo
        } else if (chain == 16) { evmChainId = 1284;       // moonbeam
        } else if (chain == 17) { evmChainId = 245022934;  // neon
        } else if (chain == 23) { evmChainId = 42161;      // arbitrum
        } else if (chain == 24) { evmChainId = 10;         // optimism
        } else if (chain == 25) { evmChainId = 100;        // gnosis
        } else {
            revert("Unknown chain id.");