
812 B

name about title labels assignees
User Story template User story basic template

[ The user story should have a reason to exist: what do I need as the user described in the summary? This part details any detail that could not be passed by the summary. ]

Acceptance Criteria

  1. [If I do A.]
  2. [B should happen.]

[ Also, here are a few points that need to be addressed:

  1. Constraint 1;
  2. Constraint 2;
  3. Constraint 3. ]


  • Mockups: [Here goes a URL to or the name of the mockup(s) in inVision];
  • Testing URL: [Here goes a URL to the testing branch or IP];
  • Staging URL: [Here goes a URL to the feature on staging];


[Some complementary notes if necessary:]

  • Here goes a quote from an email

  • Here goes whatever useful information can exist…