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# Wormhole CLI
This tool is a command line interface to Wormhole.
## Installation
Pull down the repo if you dont already have it and cd to the appropriate directory:
git clone https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole
cd wormhole/clients/js
Build and install the cli tool:
make install
This installs two binaries, `worm-fetch-governance` and `worm` on your `$PATH`.
To use `worm`, set up `$HOME/.wormhole/.env` with your
private keys, based on `.env.sample` in this folder.
## Usage
worm <command>
worm aptos Aptos utilities
worm edit-vaa Edits or generates a VAA
worm evm EVM utilities
worm generate generate VAAs (devnet and testnet only)
worm info Contract, chain, rpc and address informatio
n utilities
worm near NEAR utilities
worm parse <vaa> Parse a VAA (can be in either hex or base64
worm recover <digest> <signature> Recover an address from a signature
worm submit <vaa> Execute a VAA
worm sui Sui utilities
worm verify-vaa Verifies a VAA by querying the core contrac
t on Ethereum
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
### Subcommands
<summary> aptos </summary>
worm aptos <command>
worm aptos init-token-bridge Init token bridge contract
worm aptos init-wormhole Init Wormhole core contract
worm aptos deploy <package-dir> Deploy an Aptos package
worm aptos deploy-resource <seed> Deploy an Aptos package using a
<package-dir> resource account
worm aptos send-example-message Send example message
worm aptos derive-resource-account Derive resource account address
<account> <seed>
worm aptos derive-wrapped-address Derive wrapped coin type
<chain> <origin-address>
worm aptos hash-contracts <package-dir> Hash contract bytecodes for upgrade
worm aptos upgrade <package-dir> Perform upgrade after VAA has been
worm aptos migrate Perform migration after contract
worm aptos faucet Request money from the faucet for a
given account
worm aptos start-validator Start a local aptos validator
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
<summary> edit-vaa </summary>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --vaa vaa in hex format [string] [required]
-n, --network Network
[required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"]
--guardian-set-index, --gsi guardian set index [number]
--signatures, --sigs comma separated list of signatures [string]
--wormscanurl, --wsu url to wormscan entry for the vaa that
includes signatures [string]
--wormscanfile, --wsf json file containing wormscan entry for the
vaa that includes signatures [string]
--emitter-chain-id, --ec emitter chain id to be used in the vaa
--emitter-address, --ea emitter address to be used in the vaa[string]
--nonce, --no nonce to be used in the vaa [number]
--sequence, --seq sequence number to be used in the vaa[string]
--consistency-level, --cl consistency level to be used in the vaa
--timestamp, --ts timestamp to be used in the vaa in unix
seconds [number]
-p, --payload payload in hex format [string]
--guardian-secret, --gs Guardian's secret key [string]
<summary> evm </summary>
worm evm <command>
worm evm address-from-secret <secret> Compute a 20 byte eth address from a 32
byte private key
worm evm storage-update Update a storage slot on an EVM fork
during testing (anvil or hardhat)
worm evm chains Return all EVM chains
worm evm info Query info about the on-chain state of
the contract
worm evm hijack Override the guardian set of the core
bridge contract during testing (anvil
or hardhat)
worm evm start-validator Start a local EVM validator
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--rpc RPC endpoint [string]
<summary> generate </summary>
worm generate [command]
worm generate registration Generate registration VAA
worm generate upgrade Generate contract upgrade VAA
worm generate attestation Generate a token attestation VAA
worm generate recover-chain-id Generate a recover chain ID VAA
worm generate Sets the default delivery provider
set-default-delivery-provider for the Wormhole Relayer contract
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-g, --guardian-secret Guardians' secret keys (CSV) [string] [required]
<summary> info </summary>
worm info [command]
worm info chain-id <chain> Print the wormhole chain ID integer
associated with the specified chain
worm info contract <network> <chain> Print contract address
worm info emitter <chain> <address> Print address in emitter address
worm info origin <chain> <address> Print the origin chain and address
of the asset that corresponds to the
given chain and address.
worm info registrations <network> Print chain registrations
<chain> <module>
worm info rpc <network> <chain> Print RPC address
worm info wrapped <origin-chain> Print the wrapped address on the
<origin-address> <target-chain> target chain that corresponds with
the specified origin chain and
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
<summary> near </summary>
worm near [command]
worm near contract-update <file> Submit a contract update using our specific
worm near deploy <file> Submit a contract update using near APIs
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-m, --module Module to query [choices: "Core", "NFTBridge", "TokenBridge"]
-n, --network Network [required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"]
--account Near deployment account [string] [required]
--attach Attach some near [string]
--target Near account to upgrade [string]
--mnemonic Near private keys [string]
--key Near private key [string]
-r, --rpc Override default rpc endpoint url [string]
<summary> parse <vaa> </summary>
vaa vaa [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
<summary> recover <digest> <signature> </summary>
digest digest [string]
signature signature [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
<summary> submit <vaa> </summary>
vaa vaa [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-c, --chain chain name
[choices: "unset", "solana", "ethereum", "terra", "bsc", "polygon",
"avalanche", "oasis", "algorand", "aurora", "fantom", "karura", "acala",
"klaytn", "celo", "near", "moonbeam", "neon", "terra2", "injective",
"osmosis", "sui", "aptos", "arbitrum", "optimism", "gnosis", "pythnet",
"xpla", "btc", "base", "sei", "wormchain", "sepolia"]
-n, --network Network
[required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"]
-a, --contract-address Contract to submit VAA to (override config) [string]
--rpc RPC endpoint [string]
--all-chains, --ac Submit the VAA to all chains except for the origin
chain specified in the payload
[boolean] [default: false]
<summary> sui </summary>
worm sui <command>
worm sui build-coin Build wrapped coin and dump bytecode.
worm sui build-coin -d 8 -v V__0_1_1 -n
testnet -r
worm sui deploy <package-dir> Deploy a Sui package
worm sui init-example-message-app Initialize example core message app
worm sui init-token-bridge Initialize token bridge contract
worm sui init-wormhole Initialize wormhole core contract
worm sui publish-example-message Publish message from example app via
core bridge
worm sui setup-devnet Setup devnet by deploying and
initializing core and token bridges and
submitting chain registrations.
worm sui objects <owner> Get owned objects by owner
worm sui package-id <state-object-id> Get package ID from State object ID
worm sui tx <transaction-digest> Get transaction details
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
<summary> transfer </summary>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--src-chain source chain
[required] [choices: "solana", "ethereum", "terra", "bsc", "polygon",
"avalanche", "oasis", "algorand", "aurora", "fantom", "karura", "acala",
"klaytn", "celo", "near", "moonbeam", "neon", "terra2", "injective",
"osmosis", "sui", "aptos", "arbitrum", "optimism", "gnosis", "pythnet",
"xpla", "btc", "base", "sei", "wormchain", "sepolia"]
--dst-chain destination chain
[required] [choices: "solana", "ethereum", "terra", "bsc", "polygon",
"avalanche", "oasis", "algorand", "aurora", "fantom", "karura", "acala",
"klaytn", "celo", "near", "moonbeam", "neon", "terra2", "injective",
"osmosis", "sui", "aptos", "arbitrum", "optimism", "gnosis", "pythnet",
"xpla", "btc", "base", "sei", "wormchain", "sepolia"]
--dst-addr destination address [string] [required]
--token-addr token address [string] [default: native token]
--amount token amount [string] [required]
-n, --network Network [required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"]
--rpc RPC endpoint [string]
<summary> verify-vaa </summary>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-v, --vaa vaa in hex format [string] [required]
-n, --network Network [required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"]
<summary> status <network> <chain> <tx> </summary>
network Network [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"]
chain Source chain
[choices: "unset", "solana", "ethereum", "terra", "bsc", "polygon",
"avalanche", "oasis", "algorand", "aurora", "fantom", "karura", "acala",
"klaytn", "celo", "near", "moonbeam", "neon", "terra2", "injective",
"osmosis", "sui", "aptos", "arbitrum", "optimism", "gnosis", "pythnet",
"xpla", "btc", "base", "sei", "wormchain", "sepolia"]
tx Source transaction hash [string]
block-start Starting Block Range, i.e. -2048 [string]
block-end Ending Block Range, i.e. latest [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
## Examples
### VAA generation
Use `generate` to create VAAs for testing. For example, to create an NFT bridge registration VAA:
$ worm generate registration --module NFTBridge \
--chain bsc \
--contract-address 0x706abc4E45D419950511e474C7B9Ed348A4a716c \
--guardian-secret cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0
Example creating a token attestation VAA:
$ worm generate attestation --emitter-chain ethereum \
--emitter-address 11111111111111111111111111111115 \
--chain ethereum \
--token-address 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 \
--decimals 6 \
--symbol USDC \
--name USDC \
--guardian-secret cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0
### VAA parsing
Use `parse` to parse a VAA into JSON. For example,
worm parse $(worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020)
will fetch governance VAA `13940208096455381020` and print it as JSON.
# ...signatures elided
timestamp: 1651416474,
nonce: 1570649151,
emitterChain: 1,
emitterAddress: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004',
sequence: 13940208096455381020n,
consistencyLevel: 32,
payload: {
module: 'Core',
type: 'GuardianSetUpgrade',
chain: 0,
newGuardianSetIndex: 2,
newGuardianSetLength: 19,
newGuardianSet: [
### Submitting VAAs
Use `submit` to submit a VAA to a chain. It first parses the VAA and figures out
what's the destination chain and module. For example, a contract upgrade contains both the target chain and module, so the only required argument is the network moniker (`mainnet` or `testnet`):
worm submit $(cat my-nft-registration.txt) --network mainnet
For VAAs that don't have a specific target chain (like registrations or guardian
set upgrades), the script will ask you to specify the target chain.
For example, to submit a guardian set upgrade on all chains, simply run:
$ worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020 > guardian-upgrade.txt
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain oasis
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain aurora
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain fantom
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain karura
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain acala
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain klaytn
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain avalanche
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain polygon
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain bsc
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain solana
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain terra
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain ethereum
$ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain celo
The VAA payload type (guardian set upgrade) specifies that this VAA should go to the core bridge, and the tool directs it there.
### info
To get info about a contract (only EVM supported at this time)
$ worm evm info -c bsc -n mainnet -m TokenBridge
"address": "0xB6F6D86a8f9879A9c87f643768d9efc38c1Da6E7",
"wormhole": "0x98f3c9e6E3fAce36bAAd05FE09d375Ef1464288B",
"implementation": "0xEe91C335eab126dF5fDB3797EA9d6aD93aeC9722",
"isInitialized": true,
"tokenImplementation": "0xb6D7bbdE7c46a8B784F4a19C7FDA0De34b9577DB",
"chainId": 4,
"governanceChainId": 1,
"governanceContract": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004",
"WETH": "0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c",
"registrations": {
"solana": "0xec7372995d5cc8732397fb0ad35c0121e0eaa90d26f828a534cab54391b3a4f5",
"ethereum": "0x0000000000000000000000003ee18b2214aff97000d974cf647e7c347e8fa585",
"terra": "0x0000000000000000000000007cf7b764e38a0a5e967972c1df77d432510564e2",
"polygon": "0x0000000000000000000000005a58505a96d1dbf8df91cb21b54419fc36e93fde",
"avalanche": "0x0000000000000000000000000e082f06ff657d94310cb8ce8b0d9a04541d8052",
"oasis": "0x0000000000000000000000005848c791e09901b40a9ef749f2a6735b418d7564",
"algorand": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"aurora": "0x00000000000000000000000051b5123a7b0f9b2ba265f9c4c8de7d78d52f510f",
"fantom": "0x0000000000000000000000007c9fc5741288cdfdd83ceb07f3ea7e22618d79d2",
"karura": "0x000000000000000000000000ae9d7fe007b3327aa64a32824aaac52c42a6e624",
"acala": "0x000000000000000000000000ae9d7fe007b3327aa64a32824aaac52c42a6e624",
"klaytn": "0x0000000000000000000000005b08ac39eaed75c0439fc750d9fe7e1f9dd0193f",
"celo": "0x000000000000000000000000796dff6d74f3e27060b71255fe517bfb23c93eed",
"near": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"injective": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"osmosis": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"sui": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"aptos": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"moonbeam": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"neon": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"terra2": "0xa463ad028fb79679cfc8ce1efba35ac0e77b35080a1abe9bebe83461f176b0a3",
"arbitrum": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"optimism": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"gnosis": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
### Misc
To get the contract address for a module:
$ worm info contract mainnet bsc NFTBridge
To get the RPC address for a chain
$ worm info rpc mainnet bsc