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Contract verification

The various EVM explorer sites (etherscan, bscscan, etc.) support contract verification. This essentially entails uploading the source code to the site, and they verify that the uploaded source code compiles to the same bytecode that's actually deployed. This enables the explorer to properly parse the transaction payloads according to the contract ABI.

This document outlines the process of verification. In general, you will need an API key for the relevant explorer (this can be obtained by creating an account), and also know which address the contract code lives. The API key is expected to be set in the ETHERSCAN_KEY environment variable for all APIs (not just etherscan, bit of a misnomer).

Our contracts are structured as a separate proxy and an implementation. Both of these components need to be verified, but the proxy contract only needs this once, since it's not going to change. The implementation contract needs to be verified each time it's upgraded.

Verifying the proxy contract (first time)

The proxy contract is called TokenBridge. To verify it on e.g. avalanche, at contract address 0x0e082F06FF657D94310cB8cE8B0D9a04541d8052, run

ETHERSCAN_KEY=... npm run verify --module=TokenBridge --contract_address=0x0e082F06FF657D94310cB8cE8B0D9a04541d8052 --network=avalanche

(Note: the network name comes from the truffle-config.json). (Note: In this case, the ETHERSCAN_KEY is your snowtrace API key).

Verifying the implementation contract (on each upgrade)

To verify the actual implementation, at address 0xa321448d90d4e5b0a732867c18ea198e75cac48e, run

ETHERSCAN_KEY=... npm run verify --module=BridgeImplementation --contract_address=0xa321448d90d4e5b0a732867c18ea198e75cac48e --network=avalanche

As a final step, when first registering the proxy contract, we need to verify that it's a proxy that points to the implementation we just verified. This can be done on avalanche at https://snowtrace.io/proxyContractChecker?a=0x0e082F06FF657D94310cB8cE8B0D9a04541d8052

(other evm scanner sites have an identical page).


The npm run verify script uses the truffle-plugin-verify plugin under the hood. The version of truffle-plugin-verify pinned in the repo (^0.5.11 at the time of writing) doesn't support the avalanche RPC. In later versions of the plugin, support was added, but other stuff has changed as well in the transitive dependencies, so it fails to parse the HDWallet arguments in our truffle-config.json. As a quick workaround, we backport the patch to 0.5.11 by applying the truffle-verify-constants.patch file, which the npm run verify script does transparently. Once the toolchain has been upgraded and the errors fixed, this patch can be removed.