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Solana Wormhole Program

The Wormhole program acts as a bridge for Solana <> Foreign Chain transfers using the WhP (WormHoleProtocol).



Initializes a new Bridge at bridge.

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 sys SystemProgram
1 clock Sysvar
2 bridge BridgeConfig
3 guardian_set GuardianSet
4 payer Account


Pokes a TransferOutProposal so it is reprocessed by the guardians.

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 proposal TransferOutProposal


Creates a new WrappedAsset to be used to create accounts and later receive transfers on chain.

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 sys SystemProgram
1 token_program SplToken
2 rent Sysvar
3 bridge BridgeConfig
4 payer Account
5 wrapped_mint WrappedAsset
6 wrapped_meta_account WrappedAssetMeta


Checks secp checks (in the previous instruction) and stores results.

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 bridge_p BridgeProgram
1 sys SystemProgram
2 instructions Sysvar
3 sig_status SignatureState
4 guardian_set GuardianSet
5 payer Account


Burns a wrapped asset token from sender on the Solana chain.

The transfer proposal will be tracked at a new account proposal where VAAs will be submitted by guardians.


Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 bridge_p BridgeProgram
1 sys SystemProgram
2 token_program SplToken
3 rent Sysvar
4 clock Sysvar
5 token_account TokenAccount
6 bridge BridgeConfig
7 proposal TransferOutProposal
8 token WrappedAsset
9 payer Account


Locks a Solana native token (spl-token) token from sender on the Solana chain by transferring it to the custody_account.

The transfer proposal will be tracked at a new account proposal where a VAA will be submitted by guardians.

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 bridge_p BridgeProgram
1 sys SystemProgram
2 token_program SplToken
3 rent Sysvar
4 clock Sysvar
5 token_account TokenAccount
6 bridge BridgeConfig
7 proposal TransferOutProposal
8 token Mint
9 payer Account
10 custody_account TokenAccount opt


Deletes a proposal after the VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME to free up space on chain. This returns the rent to guardian.

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 bridge_p BridgeProgram
1 guardian Account
2 clock Sysvar
3 bridge BridgeConfig
4 proposal TransferOutProposal


Deletes a ClaimedVAA after the VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME to free up space on chain. This returns the rent to guardian.

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 bridge_p BridgeProgram
1 guardian Account
2 clock Sysvar
3 bridge BridgeConfig
4 claim ClaimedVAA


Submits a VAA signed by the guardians to perform an action.

The required accounts depend on the action of the VAA:

All require:

Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
0 bridge_p BridgeProgram
1 sys SystemProgram
2 rent Sysvar
3 clock Sysvar
4 bridge BridgeConfig
5 guardian_set GuardianSet
6 claim ExecutedVAA
7 sig_info SigState
8 payer Account

followed by:

Guardian set update
Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
9 guardian_set_new GuardianSet
Transfer: Ethereum (native) -> Solana (wrapped)
Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
9 token_program SplToken
10 token WrappedAsset
11 destination TokenAccount
12 wrapped_meta WrappedMeta opt
Transfer: Ethereum (wrapped) -> Solana (native)
Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
9 token_program SplToken
10 token Mint
11 destination TokenAccount opt
12 custody_src TokenAccount
Transfer: Solana (any) -> Ethereum (any)
Index Name Type signer writeable empty derived
9 out_proposal TransferOutProposal


The following types of accounts are owned by creators of bridges:

BridgeConfig Account

This account tracks the configuration of the transfer bridge.

Parameter Description
VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME Period for how long a VAA is valid. This exists to guarantee data availability and prevent replays
GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX Index of the current active guardian set //TODO do we need to track this if the VAA contains the index?

Program Accounts

The program own the following types of accounts:

ClaimedVAA Account

Seed derivation: claim || <bridge> || <hash>

bridge: Pubkey of the bridge

hash: signing hash of the VAA

This account is created when a VAA is executed/consumed on Solana (i.e. not when a TransferOutProposal is approved). It tracks a used VAA to protect from replay attacks where a VAA is executed multiple times. This account stays active until the VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME has passed and can then be evicted using IEvictClaimedVAA.

GuardianSet Account

Seed derivation: guardian || <bridge> || <index>

bridge: Pubkey of the bridge

index: Index of the guardian set

This account is created when a new guardian set is set. It tracks the public key, creation time and expiration time of this set. The expiration time is set when this guardian set is abandoned. When a switchover happens, the guardian-issued VAAs will still be valid until the expiration time.

TransferOutProposal Account

Seed derivation: transfer || <bridge> || <asset_chain> || <asset> || <target_chain> || <target_address> || <sender> || <nonce>

bridge: Pubkey of the bridge

asset_chain: CHAIN_ID of the native chain of this asset

asset: address of the asset

target_chain: ChainID of the recipient

target_address: address of the recipient

sender: pubkey of the sender

nonce: nonce of the transfer

This account is created when a user wants to lock tokens to transfer them to a foreign chain using the ITransferOut instruction.

It is used to signal a pending transfer to a foreign chain and will also store the respective VAA provided using ISubmitVAA.

Once the VAA has been published this TransferOut is considered completed and can be evicted using EvictTransferOut after VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME has passed.

WrappedAsset Mint

Seed derivation: wrapped || <bridge> || <chain> || <asset>

bridge: Pubkey of the bridge

chain: CHAIN_ID of the native chain of this asset

asset: address of the asset on the foreign chain

This account is an instance of spl-token/Mint tracks a wrapped asset on the Solana chain.

WrappedAssetMeta Mint

Seed derivation: meta || <bridge> || <wrapped>

bridge: Pubkey of the bridge

wrapped: address of the wrapped asset

This account tracks the metadata about a wrapped asset to allow reverse lookups.

Custody TokenAccount

Seed derivation: custody || <bridge> || <asset>

bridge: Pubkey of the bridge

asset: address of the asset mint on the native chain

This account is an instance of spl-token/TokenAccount and holds spl tokens in custody that have been transferred to a foreign chain.