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Generic Relayers

The defining characteristic of generic relayers is that they do not have any off-chain components for the xDapp developer. All aspects of this integration are on chain.

The implementation details vary by blockchain so you should reference the relayer module documentation for each ecosystem. However, the general workflow is the same.

Developers are responsible for implementing a standardized interface which is part of the API agreement with the generic relayer network. This interface generally looks something like

    bytes[] batchVAA,

This is the entrypoint on your contract which will be called by the relayer.

You are able to request delivery of a VAA via calling the relayer module on-chain. As part of the delivery request, you are required to specify and pre-pay a 'future compute' budget, which will designate a limit for how much budget can be spent on the target transaction.

This interface is generally along the lines of:


If the requested delivery either runs out of compute budget or throws an exception, the delivery will fail. In the case of a delivery failure, you're always able to request a second delivery. However, the prepaid fee is not refunded. Thus, it is recommended to always place a top-level try-catch around your entrypoint, and to specify a worst-case computation budget.