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xMint.sol is an application contract on EVM capable of communicating with the Wormhole Core Bridge and Token Bridge.

Start by initializing key contract state variables for the application.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "./Wormhole/IWormhole.sol";
import "./Wormhole/ITokenBridge.sol";
import "./Wormhole/BridgeStructs.sol";
import "solidity-bytes-utils/BytesLib.sol";

contract Xmint is ERC20 {
    using BytesLib for bytes;

    mapping(uint16 => bytes32) _applicationContracts;
    mapping(bytes32 => bool) _completedMessages;
    address owner;
    IWormhole core_bridge;
    ITokenBridge token_bridge;
    uint32 nonce = 0;
    event Log(string indexed str);


This sets the owner of the contract to the deployer and initializes interfaces for the Wormhole Core Bridge and Token Bridge.

    string memory name_,
    string memory symbol_, 
    address coreBridgeAddress,
    address tokenBridgeAddress
) ERC20(name_, symbol_) {
    owner = msg.sender;
    core_bridge = IWormhole(coreBridgeAddress);
    token_bridge = ITokenBridge(tokenBridgeAddress);


It's typically a good idea to register and track the contracts from foreign chains that you're accepting VAAs from, as anyone could deploy a contract and generate a fake VAA that looks like a real VAA you'd want to accept.

    Registers it's sibling applications on other chains as the only ones that can send this instance messages
function registerApplicationContracts(uint16 chainId, bytes32 applicationAddr) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can register new chains!");
    _applicationContracts[chainId] = applicationAddr;


This takes in a bytes payload and calls the Wormhole Token Bridge to receive the bridged tokens, mint the corresponding amount of native token, and calls the Wormhole Token Bridge to send the newly minted tokens back to the user.

The completeTransferWithPayload() function of the token bridge takes one argument:

  • encodedVm: The unverified and unparsed message that is generated by the Guardian Network

The transferTokens() function of the token bridge takes six arguments:

  • Token: contract address of the token
  • Amount: amount of tokens to transfer
  • RecipientChain: ChainID of the target chain
  • Recipient: address for target wallet
  • ArbiterFee: amount of tokens the user is willing to pay as relayer fee
  • Nonce: A number to uniquely identify this message, optionally used for batching when multiple messages are generated by the same transaction. See here for more details.

    Takes inventory of the foreign currency
    Mints tokens to self
    Transfers tokens with Payload 1 to Receipient on Foreign chain
function submitForeignPurchase(bytes memory encodedVm) public returns (uint64) {
    // Complete transfer will give the Tokens to this Contract
        // Unlike solana, we don't need to check that the emitter is a Portal contract as register_ scripts register all the Portal contracts
        // and the completeTransfer function checks the emitter is a valid Portal contract on one of the chains it's registered with
    BridgeStructs.TransferWithPayload memory vaa = _decodePayload(token_bridge.completeTransferWithPayload(encodedVm));
    // Mint tokens to this contract
        //amt they paid is NATIVE
        //multiply by 100 to get how many tokens to give out
    uint256 amtToMint = vaa.amount * 100;
    _mint(address(this), amtToMint);
    // Give Token Bridge allowance to take tokens from this contract
    this.approve(address(token_bridge), amtToMint);
    // Transfer tokens via Token Bridge over to Recipient in payload
    uint64 sequence = token_bridge.transferTokens(address(this), amtToMint, vaa.tokenChain, bytes32(vaa.payload), 0, nonce);
    nonce += 1;
    return sequence;


This helper function takes the set of bytes returned by the token bridge and decodes it into the more useful form of a TransferWithPayload struct.

function _decodePayload(bytes memory payload) internal pure returns (BridgeStructs.TransferWithPayload memory) {
        BridgeStructs.TransferWithPayload memory decoded = BridgeStructs.TransferWithPayload({
            payloadID: payload.slice(0,1).toUint8(0),
            amount: payload.slice(1,32).toUint256(0),
            tokenAddress: payload.slice(33,32).toBytes32(0),
            tokenChain: payload.slice(65,2).toUint16(0),
            to: payload.slice(67,32).toBytes32(0), 
            toChain: payload.slice(99,2).toUint16(0),
            fromAddress: payload.slice(101,32).toBytes32(0),
            payload: payload.slice(133, payload.length-133)

        return decoded;