
Class Summary
Base The base class for the main processing application.
Commander Class to handle running Processing from the command line.
Editor Main editor panel for the Processing Development Environment.
EditorConsole Message console that sits below the editing area.
EditorHeader Sketch tabs at the top of the editor window.
EditorLineStatus Li'l status bar fella that shows the line number.
EditorListener Filters key events for tab expansion/indent/etc.
EditorStatus Panel just below the editing area that contains status messages.
EditorToolbar run/stop/etc buttons for the ide
FindReplace Find & Replace window for the Processing editor.
Platform Used by Base for platform-specific tweaking, for instance finding the sketchbook location using the Windows registry, or OS X event handling.
Preferences Storage class for user preferences and environment settings.
PresentMode Helper class for full-screen presentation mode.
Sketch Stores information about files in the current sketch
SketchCode Represents a single tab of a sketch.
Theme Storage class for theme settings.
UpdateCheck Threaded class to check for updates in the background.
WebServer An example of a very simple, multi-threaded HTTP server.