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  • Generic implementation using STM32 HAL API to compile onto every STM32 board.
  • For the most used boards, optimize code paths using direct register access.
  • Make adding boards easy
  • Make as compatible with default libraries as possible

Project structure

Director Description
system/CMSIS CMSIS header files from ARM for cortex-M0/M3/M4/M7 microcontrollers
system/STM32XX/CMSIS_Inc CMSIS header files specific STM32 chips, contains memory layout and register access for every chip
system/STM32XX/CMSIS_Src CMSIS startup assembly files specific STM32 chips, contains ISR vector for interrupt handlers and reset handler default implementation
system/STM32XX/HAL_Inc STM32 Hardware Abstraction Layer headers for every chip series
system/STM32XX/HAL_Src STM32 Hardware Abstraction Layer implementation for every chip series
system/STM32XX/stm32_chip For every chip, default and alternate pins, clock frequencies, cannels for peripherals: SPI, I2C, ADC... autogenerated from CubeMX db/*.xml files with tools/script/
cores/arduino/ Arduino API definitions and Arduino-utility functions.
cores/arduino/stm32_HAL Select (compile) the specific files from system/STM32XX/HAL_Src, based on boards.txt *.build.series value
cores/arduino/usb STM32 USB Middleware
cores/arduino/stm32 STM32 implementation of the Arduino API. First implementation is a light wrapper around HAL
`libraries/[SPI Wire
variants/.../* Variant specific files: ldscript.ld for memory layout, systemclock_config.c for clock setup, generated by STM32CubeMX, variant.* for variant pin layout and pin definitions (pin layout can be copy/pasted from system/STM32XX/stm32_chip/*).

General development direction

  • Self-test code to run on a board to check if the API works for that variant.
  • Automatic unit test compilation. This ensures that a code change does not break other boards.
  • Automatic library compilation, to be as arduino-compatible as possible.
  • Benchmarks to pinpoint bottlenecks.
  • Hacker-friendly: Enable to use HAL/CMSIS; enable overriding of every IRQ handler.
  • Add DFU/MSC/HID/MIDI to USB. Rewrite USB to PluggableUSB to be more arduino-compatible.
  • Create SDIO library
  • Create I2S library
  • Create CAN library