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Setup blockchain backup on a node

  1. connect to the node as root.

  2. clone this repository to root's home folder:

git clone https://github.com/poanetwork/poa-devops.git
  1. make sure python (v2.6+ or v3.5+) is installed on the node.

  2. install pip and/or upgrade it to the newest version:

apt-get install python-pip
pip install --upgrade pip
  1. upgrade setuptools to the newest version:
pip install --upgrade setuptools
  1. install boto and boto3 packages:
pip install boto boto3
  1. install ansible:
pip install ansible
  1. create group_vars/all file:
cp group_vars/all.example group_vars/all

and set the following variables:

  • poa_role - node's role (one of bootnode, validator, moc, explorer, netstat)
  • access_key - s3 access key
  • secret_key - s3 secret key
  • s3_bucket - s3 bucket name

you can ignore other variables in this file

  1. create hosts file:
touch hosts

and set it to run backup on localhost:

  1. run playbook (still, do this on the node)
ansible-playbook -i hosts -c local site.yml
  1. if all is well, setup a cronjob to run every hour:
crontab -e

append the following line:

30 * * * * /bin/bash /root/poa-devops/bkp-blockchain-cron.sh
  1. configure logrotate to archive old log files. Create file /etc/cron.hourly/poa-devops-logrotate with the following content:
/usr/sbin/logrotate /root/poa-devops/bkp-blockchain-logrotate.conf

and set permission to run it:

chmod 755 /etc/cron.hourly/poa-devops-logrotate

How to restore from the backup

Restore from parity_data

  1. place backup file to the user's home directory, e.g. /home/bootnode (or /home/moc, etc)

  2. stop netstats (if it's installed) and parity

# may fail if netstats is not installed, ignore it then:
systemctl stop poa-netstats
systemctl stop poa-parity
  1. backup your current parity_data
# replace bootnode with other role's name if necessary (e.g. moc, validator, etc)
cd /home/bootnode
mv parity_data parity_data.bkp.$(date -u +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
  1. unpack parity_data folder from backup
# exact filename will be different
tar -xz 20180127-134045-bootnode-sokol-archive-parity_data.tar.gz
  1. make sure that correct user bootnode (or moc, etc) is owner of the unpacked directory
ls -lh

check owner of the parity_data, if it's incorrect, run

# replace bootnode with correct user name if necessary (e.g. moc, validator, etc)
chown -R bootnode:bootnode parity_data
  1. restart parity and netstats (if it's installed)
systemctl start poa-parity
# unnecessary if netstats is not installed:
systemctl start poa-netstats
  1. open NETSTATS_URL in your browser to see if node is up and accepts blocks. If not, explore parity logs in /home/bootnode/logs/parity.log or try to start parity manually to see if it fails at startup:
# assuming you're still in home folder
./parity --config node.toml

Restore from parity_blocks

Parity docs: https://github.com/paritytech/parity/wiki/FAQ:-Backup,-Restore,-and-Files#how-do-i-backup-my-blockchain

# assuming you're still in /home/bootnode
./parity --config node.toml import parity_blocks.rlp
  1. place backup file to the user's home directory, e.g. /home/bootnode (or /home/moc, etc)

  2. stop netstats (if it's installed) and parity

# may fail if netstats is not installed, ignore it then:
systemctl stop poa-netstats
systemctl stop poa-parity
  1. backup your current parity_data
# replace bootnode with other role's name if necessary (e.g. moc, validator, etc)
cd /home/bootnode
mv parity_data parity_data.bkp.$(date -u +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
  1. unpack parity_blocks.rlp file from backup
# exact filename will be different
gunzip 20180127-134045-bootnode-sokol-archive-parity_blocks.rlp.gz
  1. import blocks from backup
./parity --config node.toml import parity_blocks.rlp
  1. restart parity and netstats (if it's installed)
systemctl start poa-parity
# unnecessary if netstats is not installed:
systemctl start poa-netstats
  1. open NETSTATS_URL in your browser to see if node is up and accepts blocks. If not, explore parity logs in /home/bootnode/logs/parity.log or try to start parity manually to see if it fails at startup:
# assuming you're still in home folder
./parity --config node.toml