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title: Settings - Pluggable Architecture - Quorum
`geth` can load plugins from:
- JSON file which is passed via `--plugins` flag
- Ethereum TOML configuration file which is passed via `--config` flag
```json tab="JSON"
"baseDir": string,
"central": object(PluginCentralConfiguration),
"providers": {
<string>: object(PluginDefinition)
```toml tab="TOML"
BaseDir = string
.. = .. from object(PluginCentralConfiguration)
.. = .. from object(PluginDefinition)
| Fields | Description |
| `baseDir` | A string indicating the local directory from where plugins are read. If empty, defaults to `<datadir>/plugins`. <br/> To read from arbitrary enviroment variable (e.g: `MY_BASE_DIR`), provide value `env://MY_BASE_DIR` |
| `central` | A configuration of the remote plugin central. See [PluginCentralConfiguration](#plugincentralconfiguration) |
| `providers` | A map of the supported plugin interfaces being used (e.g. `helloworld`), mapped to their respective plugin provider definitions (see [PluginDefinition](#plugindefinition)) |
| `<string>` | A string constant indicates the plugin interface. E.g: `helloworld`. |
## `PluginCentralConfiguration`
[Plugin Integrity Verification](../Overview/#plugin-integrity-verification) uses the Quorum Plugin Central Server by default.
Modifying this section configures your own local plugin central for Plugin Integrity Verification:
```json tab="JSON"
"baseURL": string,
"certFingerprint": string,
"publicKeyURI": string,
"insecureSkipTLSVerify": bool
```toml tab="TOML"
BaseURL = string
CertFingerPrint = string
PublicKeyURI = string
InsecureSkipTLSVerify = bool
| Fields | Description |
| `baseURL` | A string indicating the remote plugin central URL (ex.`https://plugins.mycorp.com`) |
| `certFingerprint` | A string containing hex representation of the http server public key finger print <br/>to be used for certificate pinning |
| `publicKeyURI` | A string defining the location of the PGP public key <br/>to be used to perform the signature verification |
| `insecureSkipTLSVerify` | If true, **do not** verify the server's certificate chain and host name |
## `PluginDefinition`
Defines the plugin and its configuration
```json tab="JSON"
"name": string,
"version": string,
"config": file/string/array/object
```toml tab="TOML"
Name = string
Version = string
Config = file/string/array/object
| Fields | Description |
| `name` | A string specifying the name of the plugin |
| `version` | A string specifying the version of the plugin |
| `config` | Value can be: <ul><li>uri format: supports the following schemes<ul><li>`file`: location of plugin config file to be read. E.g.: `file:///opt/plugin.cfg`</li><li>`env`: value from an environment variable. E.g.: `env://MY_CONFIG_JSON`<br/>To indicate value is a file location: append `?type=file`. E.g.: `env://MY_CONFIG_FILE?type=file`</li></ul><li>string: an arbitrary JSON string</li><li>array: a valid JSON array E.g.: `["1", "2", "3"]`</li><li>object: a valid JSON object. E.g.: `{"foo" : "bar"}`</li></ul> |