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Hacking on Quorum / various notes

How does private state work?

Let's look at the EVM structure:

type EVM struct {
	// StateDB gives access to the underlying state
	StateDB StateDB
	// Depth is the current call stack
	depth int

	publicState       PublicState
	privateState      PrivateState
	states            [1027]*state.StateDB
	currentStateDepth uint
	readOnly          bool
	readOnlyDepth     uint

The vanilla EVM has a call depth limit of 1024. Our states parallel the EVM call stack, recording as contracts in the public and private state call back and forth to each other. Note it doesn't have to be a "public -> private -> public -> private" back-and-forth chain. It can be any sequence of { public, private }.

The interface for calling is this Push / Pop sequence:

evm.Push(getDualState(evm, addr))
defer func() { evm.Pop() }()
// ... do work in the pushed state

The definitions of Push and Pop are simple and important enough to duplicate here:

func (env *EVM) Push(statedb StateDB) {
	if env.privateState != statedb {
		env.readOnly = true
		env.readOnlyDepth = env.currentStateDepth

	if castedStateDb, ok := statedb.(*state.StateDB); ok {
		env.states[env.currentStateDepth] = castedStateDb

	env.StateDB = statedb
func (env *EVM) Pop() {
	if env.readOnly && env.currentStateDepth == env.readOnlyDepth {
		env.readOnly = false
	env.StateDB = env.states[env.currentStateDepth-1]

Note the invariant that StateDB always points to the current state db.

The other interesting note is read only mode. Any time we call from the private state into the public state (env.privateState != statedb), we require anything deeper to be read only. Private state transactions can't affect public state, so we throw an EVM exception on any mutating operation (SELFDESTRUCT, CREATE, SSTORE, LOG0, LOG1, LOG2, LOG3, LOG4). Question: have any more mutating operations been added? Question: could we not mutate deeper private state?