quorum/docs/Permissioning/Permissioning apis.md

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Permission APIs



  • Input: None
  • Output: Returns the list of all organizations and their status
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.orgList
    fullOrgId: "INITORG",
    level: 1,
    orgId: "INITORG",
    parentOrgId: "",
    status: 2,
    subOrgList: null,
    ultimateParent: "INITORG"

Please click here for the complete list of organization status.


  • Input: None
  • Output: Returns the list of all accounts across organizations
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.acctList
    acctId: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "INITORG",
    roleId: "NWADMIN",
    status: 2
}, {
    acctId: "0xca843569e3427144cead5e4d5999a3d0ccf92b8e",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "INITORG",
    roleId: "NWADMIN",
    status: 2

Please click here for the complete list of account status.


  • Input: None
  • Output: Returns the list of all nodes across organizations
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.nodeList
    orgId: "INITORG",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://72c0572f7a2492cffb5efc3463ef350c68a0446402a123dacec9db5c378789205b525b3f5f623f7548379ab0e5957110bffcf43a6115e450890f97a9f65a681a@"
}, {
    orgId: "INITORG",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://7a1e3b5c6ad614086a4e5fb55b6fe0a7cf7a7ac92ac3a60e6033de29df14148e7a6a7b4461eb70639df9aa379bd77487937bea0a8da862142b12d326c7285742@"
}, {
    orgId: "INITORG",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://5085e86db5324ca4a55aeccfbb35befb412def36e6bc74f166102796ac3c8af3cc83a5dec9c32e6fd6d359b779dba9a911da8f3e722cb11eb4e10694c59fd4a1@"
}, {
    orgId: "INITORG",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://28a4afcf56ee5e435c65b9581fc36896cc684695fa1db83c9568de4353dc6664b5cab09694d9427e9cf26a5cd2ac2fb45a63b43bb24e46ee121f21beb3a7865e@"

Please click here for the complete list of node status.


  • Input: None
  • Output: Returns the list of all roles across organizations and their details
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.roleList
    access: 3,
    active: true,
    isAdmin: true,
    isVoter: true,
    orgId: "INITORG",
    roleId: "NWADMIN"

Please click here for the complete list of different values of account access.


This returns the list of accounts, nodes, roles, and sub organizations linked to an organization

  • Input: organization id or sub organization id
  • Output: list of all accounts, nodes, roles, and sub orgs
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("INITORG")
  acctList: [{
      acctId: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d",
      isOrgAdmin: true,
      orgId: "INITORG",
      roleId: "NWADMIN",
      status: 2
  }, {
      acctId: "0xca843569e3427144cead5e4d5999a3d0ccf92b8e",
      isOrgAdmin: true,
      orgId: "INITORG",
      roleId: "NWADMIN",
      status: 2
  nodeList: [{
      orgId: "INITORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://72c0572f7a2492cffb5efc3463ef350c68a0446402a123dacec9db5c378789205b525b3f5f623f7548379ab0e5957110bffcf43a6115e450890f97a9f65a681a@"
  }, {
      orgId: "INITORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://7a1e3b5c6ad614086a4e5fb55b6fe0a7cf7a7ac92ac3a60e6033de29df14148e7a6a7b4461eb70639df9aa379bd77487937bea0a8da862142b12d326c7285742@"
  }, {
      orgId: "INITORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://5085e86db5324ca4a55aeccfbb35befb412def36e6bc74f166102796ac3c8af3cc83a5dec9c32e6fd6d359b779dba9a911da8f3e722cb11eb4e10694c59fd4a1@"
  }, {
      orgId: "INITORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://28a4afcf56ee5e435c65b9581fc36896cc684695fa1db83c9568de4353dc6664b5cab09694d9427e9cf26a5cd2ac2fb45a63b43bb24e46ee121f21beb3a7865e@"
  roleList: [{
      access: 3,
      active: true,
      isAdmin: true,
      isVoter: true,
      orgId: "INITORG",
      roleId: "NWADMIN"
  subOrgList: null


This api can be executed by a network admin account (from: in transactions args) only for proposing a new organization into the network

  • Input: Unique alphanumeric organization id, enode id, account id (org admin account)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.addOrg("ABC", "enode://3d9ca5956b38557aba991e31cf510d4df641dce9cc26bfeb7de082f0c07abb6ede3a58410c8f249dabeecee4ad3979929ac4c7c496ad20b8cfdd061b7401b4f5@", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true

If there are any pending items for approval, proposal of any new organization will fail. Also the enode id and accounts can be linked to one organization only.

> quorumPermission.addOrg("ABC", "enode://3d9ca5956b38557aba991e31cf510d4df641dce9cc26bfeb7de082f0c07abb6ede3a58410c8f249dabeecee4ad3979929ac4c7c496ad20b8cfdd061b7401b4f5@", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Pending approvals for the organization. Approve first",
  status: false
> quorumPermission.addOrg("XYZ", "enode://3d9ca5956b38557aba991e31cf510d4df641dce9cc26bfeb7de082f0c07abb6ede3a58410c8f249dabeecee4ad3979929ac4c7c496ad20b8cfdd061b7401b4f5@", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "EnodeId already part of network.",
  status: false
> quorumPermission.addOrg("XYZ", "enode://de9c2d5937e599930832cecc1df8cc90b50839bdf635c1a4e68e1dab2d001cd4a11c626e155078cc65958a72e2d72c1342a28909775edd99cc39470172cce0ac@", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Account already in use in another organization",
  status: false


This api can be executed by a network admin account (from: in transactions args) only for approving a proposed organization into the network.

  • Input: Unique organization id, enode id, account id (org admin account)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
quorumPermission.approveOrg("ABC", "enode://3d9ca5956b38557aba991e31cf510d4df641dce9cc26bfeb7de082f0c07abb6ede3a58410c8f249dabeecee4ad3979929ac4c7c496ad20b8cfdd061b7401b4f5@", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can only be executed by a network admin account and is used for temporarily suspending an organization or re-enabling a suspended organization. This activity can be performed for master organization only and requires majority approval from network admins.

  • Input: organization id, action (1 for suspending the organization and 2 for activating a suspended organization)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.updateOrgStatus("ABC", 1, {from:eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can only be executed by a network admin account and is used for approving the org status change proposal. Once majority approval is received from network admins, the org status is updated.

  • Input: organization id, action (1 for suspending the organization and 2 for activating a suspended organization)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
quorumPermission.approveOrgStatus("ABC", 1, {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true

When an organization is in suspended status, no transactions or contract deploy activities are allowed from any nodes linked to the org and sub organizations under it. Similarly no transactions will be allowed from any accounts linked to the organization


This api can be executed by a organization admin account to create a sub organization under the master org.

  • Input: parent org id, alphanumeric sub organization id, enode id (not mandatory and can be null), account id (not mandatory and can be 0x0)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.addSubOrg("ABC", "SUB1", "", {from: eth.accounts[0]})

  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true

It should be noted that, parent org id should contain the complete org hierarchy from master org id to the immediate parent. The org hierarchy is separated by .. For example, if master org ABC has a sub organization SUB1, then while creating the sub organization at SUB1 level, the parent org should be given as ABC.SUB1. Please see the examples below:

> quorumPermission.addSubOrg("ABC.SUB1", "SUB2","",  {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true
> quorumPermission.addSubOrg("ABC.SUB1.SUB2", "SUB3","",  {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can be executed by an organization admin account to create a new role for the organization.

  • Input: organization id or sub organization id, alphanumeric role id, account access (access values)(, isVoter, isAdminRole
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.addNewRole("ABC", "TRANSACT", 1, false, false,{from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true
> quorumPermission.addNewRole("ABC.SUB1.SUB2.SUB3", "TRANSACT", 1, false, false,{from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can be executed by an organization admin account to create a new role for the organization.

  • Input: organization id or sub organization id, role id
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.removeRole("ABC.SUB1.SUB2.SUB3", "TRANSACT", {from: eth.accounts[1]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can be executed by an organization admin to add an account to an organization and assign a role to the account

  • Input: Account id, organization id or sub organization id, role to be assigned
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.addAccountToOrg("0xf017976fdf1521de2e108e63b423380307f501f8", "ABC", "TRANSACT", {from: eth.accounts[1]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true

The account can at best be linked to a single organization or sub organization and cannot belong to multiple organizations or sub organizations

> quorumPermission.assignAccountRole("0xf017976fdf1521de2e108e63b423380307f501f8", "ABC.SUB1", "TRANSACT", {from: eth.accounts[1]})
  msg: "Account already in use in another organization",
  status: false


This api can be executed by an organization admin account to assign a role to an account.

  • Input: Account id, organization id or sub organization id, role to be assigned
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.changeAccountRole("0xf017976fdf1521de2e108e63b423380307f501f8", "ABC", "TRANSACT", {from: eth.accounts[1]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can be executed by an organization admin account to update the account status.

  • Input: organization id or sub organization id, Account id, action (1 for suspending the account, 2 for activating a suspended account, 3 for blacklisting the account)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.updateAccountStatus("ABC", "0xf017976fdf1521de2e108e63b423380307f501f8", 1, {from: eth.accounts[1]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true

Once a account is blacklisted no further action is allowed on it.


This api can be executed by the network admin to add a new account as network admin or change the org admin account for an organization.

  • Input: organization id to which the account belongs, account id, role id (it can be either org admin role or network admin role)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.assignAdminRole("ABC", "0xf017976fdf1521de2e108e63b423380307f501f8", "NWADMIN", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can be executed by the network admin to approve the organization admin or network admin role assignment to an account. The role is approved once majority approval is received.

  • Input: organization id to which the account belongs, account id
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.approveAdminRole("ABC", "0xf017976fdf1521de2e108e63b423380307f501f8",  {from: eth.accounts[0]})

  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true


This api can be executed by the organization admin account to add a node to the organization or sub organization.

  • Input: organization id or sub organization id, enode id
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.addNode("ABC.SUB1.SUB2.SUB3", "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@", {from: eth.accounts[1]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true

A node cannot be part of multiple organizations.


This api can be executed by the organization admin account to update the status of a node.

  • Input: organization id or sub organization id, enode id, action (1 for deactivating the node, 2 for activating a deactivated node and 3 for blacklisting a node)
  • Output: Status of the operation
  • Example:
> quorumPermission.updateNodeStatus("ABC.SUB1.SUB2.SUB3", "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@",3, {from: eth.accounts[1]})
  msg: "Action completed successfully",
  status: true

Once a node is blacklisted no further action is possible on the same.


The table below indicates the numeric value for each account access type.

AccessType Value
ReadOnly 0
Transact 1
ContractDeploy 2
FullAccess 3

When setting the account access, the system checks if the account setting the access has sufficient privileges to perform the activity.

  • Accounts with FullAccess can grant any access type (FullAccess, Transact, ContractDeploy or ReadOnly) to any other account
  • Accounts with ContractDeploy can grant only Transact, ContractDeploy or ReadOnly access to other accounts
  • Accounts with Transact access can grant only Transact or ReadOnly access to other accounts
  • Accounts with ReadOnly access cannot grant any access

Status Mapping

Organization status types

The table below indicates the numeric value for various organization status.

OrgStatus Value
NotInList 0
Proposed 1
Approved 2
PendingSuspension 3
Suspended 4
AwaitingSuspensionRevoke 5

Account status types

The table below indicates the numeric value for various account status.

AccountStatus Value
NotInList 0
PendingApproval 1
Active 2
Inactive 3
Suspended 4
Blacklisted 5
Revoked 6

Node Status types

The table below indicates the numeric value for various node status.

NodeStatus Value
NotInList 0
PendingApproval 1
Approved 2
Deactivated 3
Blacklisted 4