
352 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package core
import (
metrics "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/metrics"
// New creates an Istanbul consensus core
func New(backend istanbul.Backend, config *istanbul.Config) Engine {
r := metrics.NewRegistry()
c := &core{
config: config,
address: backend.Address(),
state: StateAcceptRequest,
handlerWg: new(sync.WaitGroup),
logger: log.New("address", backend.Address()),
backend: backend,
backlogs: make(map[common.Address]*prque.Prque),
backlogsMu: new(sync.Mutex),
pendingRequests: prque.New(),
pendingRequestsMu: new(sync.Mutex),
consensusTimestamp: time.Time{},
roundMeter: metrics.NewMeter(),
sequenceMeter: metrics.NewMeter(),
consensusTimer: metrics.NewTimer(),
r.Register("consensus/istanbul/core/round", c.roundMeter)
r.Register("consensus/istanbul/core/sequence", c.sequenceMeter)
r.Register("consensus/istanbul/core/consensus", c.consensusTimer)
c.validateFn = c.checkValidatorSignature
return c
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type core struct {
config *istanbul.Config
address common.Address
state State
logger log.Logger
backend istanbul.Backend
events *event.TypeMuxSubscription
finalCommittedSub *event.TypeMuxSubscription
timeoutSub *event.TypeMuxSubscription
futurePreprepareTimer *time.Timer
valSet istanbul.ValidatorSet
waitingForRoundChange bool
validateFn func([]byte, []byte) (common.Address, error)
backlogs map[common.Address]*prque.Prque
backlogsMu *sync.Mutex
current *roundState
handlerWg *sync.WaitGroup
roundChangeSet *roundChangeSet
roundChangeTimer *time.Timer
pendingRequests *prque.Prque
pendingRequestsMu *sync.Mutex
consensusTimestamp time.Time
// the meter to record the round change rate
roundMeter metrics.Meter
// the meter to record the sequence update rate
sequenceMeter metrics.Meter
// the timer to record consensus duration (from accepting a preprepare to final committed stage)
consensusTimer metrics.Timer
func (c *core) finalizeMessage(msg *message) ([]byte, error) {
var err error
// Add sender address
msg.Address = c.Address()
// Add proof of consensus
msg.CommittedSeal = []byte{}
// Assign the CommittedSeal if it's a COMMIT message and proposal is not nil
if msg.Code == msgCommit && c.current.Proposal() != nil {
seal := PrepareCommittedSeal(c.current.Proposal().Hash())
msg.CommittedSeal, err = c.backend.Sign(seal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sign message
data, err := msg.PayloadNoSig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg.Signature, err = c.backend.Sign(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Convert to payload
payload, err := msg.Payload()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return payload, nil
func (c *core) broadcast(msg *message) {
logger := c.logger.New("state", c.state)
payload, err := c.finalizeMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to finalize message", "msg", msg, "err", err)
// Broadcast payload
if err = c.backend.Broadcast(c.valSet, payload); err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to broadcast message", "msg", msg, "err", err)
func (c *core) currentView() *istanbul.View {
return &istanbul.View{
Sequence: new(big.Int).Set(c.current.Sequence()),
Round: new(big.Int).Set(c.current.Round()),
func (c *core) IsProposer() bool {
v := c.valSet
if v == nil {
return false
return v.IsProposer(c.backend.Address())
func (c *core) IsCurrentProposal(blockHash common.Hash) bool {
return c.current != nil && c.current.pendingRequest != nil && c.current.pendingRequest.Proposal.Hash() == blockHash
func (c *core) commit() {
proposal := c.current.Proposal()
if proposal != nil {
committedSeals := make([][]byte, c.current.Commits.Size())
for i, v := range c.current.Commits.Values() {
committedSeals[i] = make([]byte, types.IstanbulExtraSeal)
copy(committedSeals[i][:], v.CommittedSeal[:])
if err := c.backend.Commit(proposal, committedSeals); err != nil {
c.current.UnlockHash() //Unlock block when insertion fails
// startNewRound starts a new round. if round equals to 0, it means to starts a new sequence
func (c *core) startNewRound(round *big.Int) {
var logger log.Logger
if c.current == nil {
logger = c.logger.New("old_round", -1, "old_seq", 0)
} else {
logger = c.logger.New("old_round", c.current.Round(), "old_seq", c.current.Sequence())
roundChange := false
// Try to get last proposal
lastProposal, lastProposer := c.backend.LastProposal()
if c.current == nil {
logger.Trace("Start to the initial round")
} else if lastProposal.Number().Cmp(c.current.Sequence()) >= 0 {
diff := new(big.Int).Sub(lastProposal.Number(), c.current.Sequence())
c.sequenceMeter.Mark(new(big.Int).Add(diff, common.Big1).Int64())
if !c.consensusTimestamp.IsZero() {
c.consensusTimestamp = time.Time{}
logger.Trace("Catch up latest proposal", "number", lastProposal.Number().Uint64(), "hash", lastProposal.Hash())
} else if lastProposal.Number().Cmp(big.NewInt(c.current.Sequence().Int64()-1)) == 0 {
if round.Cmp(common.Big0) == 0 {
// same seq and round, don't need to start new round
} else if round.Cmp(c.current.Round()) < 0 {
logger.Warn("New round should not be smaller than current round", "seq", lastProposal.Number().Int64(), "new_round", round, "old_round", c.current.Round())
roundChange = true
} else {
logger.Warn("New sequence should be larger than current sequence", "new_seq", lastProposal.Number().Int64())
var newView *istanbul.View
if roundChange {
newView = &istanbul.View{
Sequence: new(big.Int).Set(c.current.Sequence()),
Round: new(big.Int).Set(round),
} else {
newView = &istanbul.View{
Sequence: new(big.Int).Add(lastProposal.Number(), common.Big1),
Round: new(big.Int),
c.valSet = c.backend.Validators(lastProposal)
// Update logger
logger = logger.New("old_proposer", c.valSet.GetProposer())
// Clear invalid ROUND CHANGE messages
c.roundChangeSet = newRoundChangeSet(c.valSet)
// New snapshot for new round
c.updateRoundState(newView, c.valSet, roundChange)
// Calculate new proposer
c.valSet.CalcProposer(lastProposer, newView.Round.Uint64())
c.waitingForRoundChange = false
if roundChange && c.IsProposer() && c.current != nil {
// If it is locked, propose the old proposal
// If we have pending request, propose pending request
if c.current.IsHashLocked() {
r := &istanbul.Request{
Proposal: c.current.Proposal(), //c.current.Proposal would be the locked proposal by previous proposer, see updateRoundState
} else if c.current.pendingRequest != nil {
logger.Debug("New round", "new_round", newView.Round, "new_seq", newView.Sequence, "new_proposer", c.valSet.GetProposer(), "valSet", c.valSet.List(), "size", c.valSet.Size(), "IsProposer", c.IsProposer())
func (c *core) catchUpRound(view *istanbul.View) {
logger := c.logger.New("old_round", c.current.Round(), "old_seq", c.current.Sequence(), "old_proposer", c.valSet.GetProposer())
if view.Round.Cmp(c.current.Round()) > 0 {
c.roundMeter.Mark(new(big.Int).Sub(view.Round, c.current.Round()).Int64())
c.waitingForRoundChange = true
// Need to keep block locked for round catching up
c.updateRoundState(view, c.valSet, true)
logger.Trace("Catch up round", "new_round", view.Round, "new_seq", view.Sequence, "new_proposer", c.valSet)
// updateRoundState updates round state by checking if locking block is necessary
func (c *core) updateRoundState(view *istanbul.View, validatorSet istanbul.ValidatorSet, roundChange bool) {
// Lock only if both roundChange is true and it is locked
if roundChange && c.current != nil {
if c.current.IsHashLocked() {
c.current = newRoundState(view, validatorSet, c.current.GetLockedHash(), c.current.Preprepare, c.current.pendingRequest, c.backend.HasBadProposal)
} else {
c.current = newRoundState(view, validatorSet, common.Hash{}, nil, c.current.pendingRequest, c.backend.HasBadProposal)
} else {
c.current = newRoundState(view, validatorSet, common.Hash{}, nil, nil, c.backend.HasBadProposal)
func (c *core) setState(state State) {
if c.state != state {
c.state = state
if state == StateAcceptRequest {
func (c *core) Address() common.Address {
return c.address
func (c *core) stopFuturePreprepareTimer() {
if c.futurePreprepareTimer != nil {
func (c *core) stopTimer() {
if c.roundChangeTimer != nil {
func (c *core) newRoundChangeTimer() {
// set timeout based on the round number
timeout := time.Duration(c.config.RequestTimeout) * time.Millisecond
round := c.current.Round().Uint64()
if round > 0 {
timeout += time.Duration(math.Pow(2, float64(round))) * time.Second
c.roundChangeTimer = time.AfterFunc(timeout, func() {
func (c *core) checkValidatorSignature(data []byte, sig []byte) (common.Address, error) {
return istanbul.CheckValidatorSignature(c.valSet, data, sig)
// PrepareCommittedSeal returns a committed seal for the given hash
func PrepareCommittedSeal(hash common.Hash) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
return buf.Bytes()