quorum/docs/Permissioning/Enhanced Permissions Model/Usage.md

21 KiB

Managing the advanced permissioning model can be broadly categorized into the following activities:

Initial network set up

Please refer to set up. For an existing network running with an older version of Quorum:

  • Upgrade Quorum to the latest version
  • Deploy the contracts
  • Execute the init method of PermissionsUpgradable.sol from the guardian account
  • Copy the permission-config.json to the data directory of each node
  • Bring geth up in --permissioned mode.

For a new network using the latest version of Quorum:

  • Bring up the initial set of nodes
  • Deploy the contracts
  • Execute the init method of PermissionsUpgradable.sol from the guardian account
  • Upgrade Quorum to the latest version
  • Copy the permission-config.json to the data directory of each node
  • Bring geth up in --permissioned mode.

As part of network initialization:

  • A network admin organization is created with the nwAdminOrg name specified in permission-config.json. All nodes which are part of static-nodes.json are assigned to this organization.
  • A network admin role is created with the nwAdminRole name specified in the config file.
  • All accounts given in the accounts array of the config file are assigned the network admin role. These accounts will have the ability to propose and approve new organizations into the network.

Assuming that the network was started with the permission-config.json given in the set up, and assuming the network was brought up with the static-nodes.json file given below:


then the network will have the following configuration once it has started up:

> quorumPermission.orgList
    fullOrgId: "ADMINORG",
    level: 1,
    orgId: "ADMINORG",
    parentOrgId: "",
    status: 2,
    subOrgList: null,
    ultimateParent: "ADMINORG"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ADMINORG")
  acctList: [{
      acctId: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d",
      isOrgAdmin: true,
      orgId: "ADMINORG",
      roleId: "ADMIN",
      status: 2
  }, {
      acctId: "0xca843569e3427144cead5e4d5999a3d0ccf92b8e",
      isOrgAdmin: true,
      orgId: "ADMINORG",
      roleId: "ADMIN",
      status: 2
  nodeList: [{
      orgId: "ADMINORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://72c0572f7a2492cffb5efc3463ef350c68a0446402a123dacec9db5c378789205b525b3f5f623f7548379ab0e5957110bffcf43a6115e450890f97a9f65a681a@"
  }, {
      orgId: "ADMINORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://7a1e3b5c6ad614086a4e5fb55b6fe0a7cf7a7ac92ac3a60e6033de29df14148e7a6a7b4461eb70639df9aa379bd77487937bea0a8da862142b12d326c7285742@"
  }, {
      orgId: "ADMINORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://5085e86db5324ca4a55aeccfbb35befb412def36e6bc74f166102796ac3c8af3cc83a5dec9c32e6fd6d359b779dba9a911da8f3e722cb11eb4e10694c59fd4a1@"
  }, {
      orgId: "ADMINORG",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://28a4afcf56ee5e435c65b9581fc36896cc684695fa1db83c9568de4353dc6664b5cab09694d9427e9cf26a5cd2ac2fb45a63b43bb24e46ee121f21beb3a7865e@"
  roleList: [{
      access: 3,
      active: true,
      isAdmin: true,
      isVoter: true,
      orgId: "ADMINORG",
      roleId: "ADMIN"
  subOrgList: null

Proposing a new organization into the network

Once the network is up, the network admin accounts can then propose a new organization into the network. Majority approval from the network admin accounts is required before an organization is approved. The APIs for proposing and approving an organization are documented in permission APIs


An example to propose and approve an organization by name ORG1 is as shown below:

> quorumPermission.addOrg("ORG1", "enode://de9c2d5937e599930832cecc1df8cc90b50839bdf635c1a4e68e1dab2d001cd4a11c626e155078cc65958a72e2d72c1342a28909775edd99cc39470172cce0ac@", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d"})
"Action completed successfully"

Once the org is proposed, it will be in Proposed state awaiting approval from other network admin accounts. The org status is as shown below:

> quorumPermission.orgList[1]
    fullOrgId: "ORG1",
    level: 1,
    orgId: "ORG1",
    parentOrgId: "",
    status: 1,
    subOrgList: null,
    ultimateParent: "ORG1"

The network admin accounts can then approve the proposed organizations and once the majority approval is achieved, the organization status is updated as Approved

> quorumPermission.approveOrg("ORG1", "enode://de9c2d5937e599930832cecc1df8cc90b50839bdf635c1a4e68e1dab2d001cd4a11c626e155078cc65958a72e2d72c1342a28909775edd99cc39470172cce0ac@", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: "0xca843569e3427144cead5e4d5999a3d0ccf92b8e"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.orgList[1]
    fullOrgId: "ORG1",
    level: 1,
    orgId: "ORG1",
    parentOrgId: "",
    status: 2,
    subOrgList: null,
    ultimateParent: "ORG1"

The details of the new organization approved are as below:

> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1")
    acctList: [{
        acctId: "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996",
        isOrgAdmin: true,
        orgId: "ORG1",
        roleId: "ORGADMIN",
        status: 2
    nodeList: [{
        orgId: "ORG1",
        status: 2,
        url: "enode://de9c2d5937e599930832cecc1df8cc90b50839bdf635c1a4e68e1dab2d001cd4a11c626e155078cc65958a72e2d72c1342a28909775edd99cc39470172cce0ac@"
    roleList: [{
        access: 3,
        active: true,
        isAdmin: true,
        isVoter: true,
        orgId: "ORG1",
        roleId: "ORGADMIN"
    subOrgList: null

As can be seen from the above, as a part of approval:

  • A org admin role with name as given in orgAdminRole in permission-config.json has been created and linked to the organization ORG1
  • The account given has been linked to the organization ORG1 and org admin role. This account acts as the organization admin account and can in turn manage further roles, nodes and accounts at organization level
  • The node has been linked to organization and status has been updated as Approved

The new node belonging to the organization can now join the network. In case the network is running in Raft consensus mode, before the node joins the network, please ensure that:

  • The node has been added as a peer using raft.addPeer(<<enodeId>>)
  • Bring up geth for the new node using --raftjoinexisting with the peer id as obtained in the above step

Organization admin managing the organization level permissions

Once the organization is approved and the node of the organization has joined the network, the organization admin can then create sub organizations, roles, add additional nodes at organization level, add accounts to the organization and change roles of existing organization level accounts.

To add a sub org at ORG1 level refer to addSubOrg API

> quorumPermission.addSubOrg("ORG1", "SUB1", "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1")
  acctList: null,
  nodeList: [{
      orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@"
  roleList: null,
  subOrgList: null

For adding a sub org the enode id is not mandatory. For the newly created sub org if the org admin desires to add an administration account, the org admin account will have to first create a role with isAdmin flag as Y and then assign this role to the account which belongs to the sub org. Once assigned the account will act as org admin at sub org level. Refer to addNewRole API

> quorumPermission.addNewRole("ORG1.SUB1", "SUBADMIN", 3, false, true,{from: eth.accounts[0]})
"Action completed successfully"
> eth.accounts[0]

The role SUBADMIN can now be assigned to an account at sub org SUB1 for making the account admin for the sub org.

> quorumPermission.addAccountToOrg("0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0", "ORG1.SUB1", "SUBADMIN", {from: "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1")
  acctList: [{
      acctId: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0",
      isOrgAdmin: true,
      orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
      roleId: "SUBADMIN",
      status: 2
  nodeList: [{
      orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
      status: 2,
      url: "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@"
  roleList: [{
      access: 3,
      active: true,
      isAdmin: true,
      isVoter: false,
      orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
      roleId: "SUBADMIN"
  subOrgList: null

The account 0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0 is now the admin for sub org SUB1 and will be able to add roles, accounts and nodes to the sub org. It should be noted that the org admin account at master org level has the admin rights on all the sub organizations below. However the admin account at sub org level has control only in the sub org to which it is linked.

> quorumPermission.addNewRole("ORG1.SUB1", "TRANSACT", 1, false, true,{from: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").roleList
    access: 3,
    active: true,
    isAdmin: true,
    isVoter: false,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "SUBADMIN"
}, {
    access: 1,
    active: true,
    isAdmin: true,
    isVoter: false,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "TRANSACT"

To add an account to an organization refer to addAccountToOrg API.

> quorumPermission.addAccountToOrg("0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455", "ORG1.SUB1", "SUBADMIN", {from: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").acctList

    acctId: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "SUBADMIN",
    status: 2
}, {
    acctId: "0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "TRANSACT",
    status: 2

To suspend an account updateAccountStatus API can be invoked with action as 1.

> quorumPermission.updateAccountStatus("ORG1.SUB1", "0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455", 1, {from: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").acctList
    acctId: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "SUBADMIN",
    status: 2
}, {
    acctId: "0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "TRANSACT",
    status: 1

To revoke suspension of an account updateAccountStatus API can be invoked with action as 2.

> quorumPermission.updateAccountStatus("ORG1.SUB1", "0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455", 2, {from: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").acctList

    acctId: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "SUBADMIN",
    status: 2
}, {
    acctId: "0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "TRANSACT",
    status: 2

To blacklist an account updateAccountStatus API can be invoked with action as 3. Once blacklisted no further activity will be possible on the account.

> quorumPermission.updateAccountStatus("ORG1.SUB1", "0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455", 3, {from: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").acctList

    acctId: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "SUBADMIN",
    status: 2
}, {
    acctId: "0x283f3b8989ec20df621166973c93b56b0f4b5455",
    isOrgAdmin: true,
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    roleId: "TRANSACT",
    status: 5

To add Nodes at organization and sub organization level by the org admin.

> quorumPermission.addNode("ORG1.SUB1", "enode://eacaa74c4b0e7a9e12d2fe5fee6595eda841d6d992c35dbbcc50fcee4aa86dfbbdeff7dc7e72c2305d5a62257f82737a8cffc80474c15c611c037f52db1a3a7b@", {from: "0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").nodeList
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@"
}, {
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://eacaa74c4b0e7a9e12d2fe5fee6595eda841d6d992c35dbbcc50fcee4aa86dfbbdeff7dc7e72c2305d5a62257f82737a8cffc80474c15c611c037f52db1a3a7b@"

Org admin can manage the status of the nodes by using updateNodeStatus API. To deactivate a node the API can be invoked with action 1.

> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").nodeList
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@"
}, {
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 3,
    url: "enode://eacaa74c4b0e7a9e12d2fe5fee6595eda841d6d992c35dbbcc50fcee4aa86dfbbdeff7dc7e72c2305d5a62257f82737a8cffc80474c15c611c037f52db1a3a7b@"

To activate the node back invoke updateNodeStatus API with action 2.

> quorumPermission.updateNodeStatus("ORG1.SUB1", "enode://eacaa74c4b0e7a9e12d2fe5fee6595eda841d6d992c35dbbcc50fcee4aa86dfbbdeff7dc7e72c2305d5a62257f82737a8cffc80474c15c611c037f52db1a3a7b@",2, {from:"0x42ef6abedcb7ecd3e9c4816cd5f5a96df35bb9a0"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").nodeList
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@"
}, {
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://eacaa74c4b0e7a9e12d2fe5fee6595eda841d6d992c35dbbcc50fcee4aa86dfbbdeff7dc7e72c2305d5a62257f82737a8cffc80474c15c611c037f52db1a3a7b@"

To blacklist a node invoke updateNodeStatus API with action 3. Once blacklisted the node will never be able join the network again.

> quorumPermission.getOrgDetails("ORG1.SUB1").nodeList
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 2,
    url: "enode://239c1f044a2b03b6c4713109af036b775c5418fe4ca63b04b1ce00124af00ddab7cc088fc46020cdc783b6207efe624551be4c06a994993d8d70f684688fb7cf@"
}, {
    orgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
    status: 4,
    url: "enode://eacaa74c4b0e7a9e12d2fe5fee6595eda841d6d992c35dbbcc50fcee4aa86dfbbdeff7dc7e72c2305d5a62257f82737a8cffc80474c15c611c037f52db1a3a7b@"

It should be noted that in the case of the Raft consensus mechanism, when the node is deactivated the peer id is lost and hence upon activation, the node needs to be added to Raft cluster again using raft.addPeer and the node should be brought up with new peer id.


  • An account can transact from any of the nodes linked to org or sub org with in the same organization
  • If a node is deactivated no transaction will be allowed from that node

Suspending an organization temporarily

If there is a need to temporarily suspend all activities of an organization updateOrgStatus API can be invoked with action 1. This can be invoked only by the network admin accounts and will reuiqre majority voting.

> quorumPermission.updateOrgStatus("ORG1", 1, {from: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.orgList[2]
  fullOrgId: "ORG1",
  level: 1,
  orgId: "ORG1",
  parentOrgId: "",
  status: 3,
  subOrgList: null,
  ultimateParent: "ORG1"

To approve the org, suspension majority approval from other network admin accounts is required. The api for the same is approveOrgStatus. Once approved the org status is marked as suspended.

> quorumPermission.approveOrgStatus("ORG1", 1, {from: "0xca843569e3427144cead5e4d5999a3d0ccf92b8e"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.orgList[2]
  fullOrgId: "ORG1",
  level: 1,
  orgId: "ORG1",
  parentOrgId: "",
  status: 4,
  subOrgList: null,
  ultimateParent: "ORG1"

When the org is suspended no transaction from any of the account linked to the organization or sub organizations under it is allowed. However, the nodes linked to the organization will be active and will be syncing with the network.

Revoking suspension of an organization

To revoke the suspension of an org updateOrgStatus can be called with action as 2. This will require majority approval (API approveOrgStatus with action 2).

> quorumPermission.updateOrgStatus("ORG1", 2, {from: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.approveOrgStatus("ORG1", 2, {from: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.orgList[0]
  fullOrgId: "ORG1.SUB1",
  level: 2,
  orgId: "SUB1",
  parentOrgId: "ORG1",
  status: 2,
  subOrgList: null,
  ultimateParent: "ORG1"

Once the revoke is approved, all accounts in the organization and sub organization will be able to transact as per role level access.

Assigning admin privileges at organization and network level

There may be a scenario where one of the accounts at the organization level needs to have network admin level permissions and be able to perform network admin activities. Similarly there can be a need to change the admin account at organization level. Both these activities can be performed by existing network admin accounts only, and will require majority approval from the network admin accounts. The API usage details are as below. To assign network admin or org admin role to an account invoke assignAdminRole.

> quorumPermission.assignAdminRole("ORG1", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", "ADMIN", {from: "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d"})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.acctList[3]
  acctId: "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996",
  isOrgAdmin: true,
  orgId: "ORG1",
  roleId: "ADMIN",
  status: 1

To approve the assignment of network admin role invoke approveAdminRole API.

> quorumPermission.approveAdminRole("ORG1", "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996", {from: eth.accounts[0]})
"Action completed successfully"
> quorumPermission.acctList[4]
  acctId: "0x0638e1574728b6d862dd5d3a3e0942c3be47d996",
  isOrgAdmin: true,
  orgId: "ORG1",
  roleId: "ADMIN",
  status: 2

The above account can now perform all activities allowable by a network admin account and can participate in the approval process for any actions at network level.