quorum/docs/Permissioning/Contract Design.md

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Smart Contract design for permissions

The permissions model is completely built on smart contracts. The smart contract design is as below: contract design

The permissions smart contract design follows the Proxy-Implementation-Storage pattern which allows the implementation logic to change without changing the storage or interface layer. A brief description of the smart contracts is below:

  • PermissionsUpgradable.sol: This contract stores the address of current implementation contract and is owned by a guardian (an Ethereum account). Only the guardian is allowed to change the implementation contract address.

  • PermissionsInterface.sol: This is the interface contract and holds the interfaces for permissions related actions. It has no business logic and forwards requests to the current implementation contract

  • PermissionsImplementation.sol: This contract has the business logic for the permissions actions. It can receive requests only from a valid interface as defined in PermissionsUpgradable.sol and interacts with all the storage contracts for respective actions.

  • OrgManager.sol: This contract stores data for organizations and sub organizations. It can receive requests from a valid implementation contract as defined in PermissionsUpgrdable.sol

  • AccountManager.sol: This contract receives requests from a valid implementation contract as defined in PermissionsUpgrdable.sol. It stores the data of all accounts, their linkage to organization and various roles. The contract also stores the status of an account. The account can be in any of the following status - PendingApproval, Active, Inactive, Suspended, Blacklisted or Revoked

  • NodeManager.sol: This contract receives requests from a valid implementation contract as defined in PermissionsUpgrdable.sol. It stores the data of a node, its linkage to an organization or sub organization, and status of the node. The node can be in any one of the following status - PendingApproval, Approved, Deactivated or Blacklisted

  • RoleManager.sol: This contract receives requests from a valid implementation contract as defined in PermissionsUpgrdable.sol. It stores data for various roles and the organization to which it is linked. The access at role level can be any one of the following:

    • Readonly which allows only read operations
    • Transact which allows value transfer but no contract deployment access
    • ContractDeploy which allows both value transfer and contract deployment access
    • FullAccess which allows additional network level accesses in addition to value transfer and contract deployment

    If a role is revoked all accounts which are linked to the role lose all access rights

  • VoterManager.sol: This contract receives requests from a valid implementation contract as defined in PermissionsUpgrdable.sol. It stores the data of valid voters at network level which can approve identified activities e.g. adding a new organization to the network. Any account which is linked to a predefined network admin role will be marked as a voter. Whenever a network level activity which requires voting is performed, a voting item is added to this contract and each voter account can vote for the activity. The activity is marked as Approved upon majority voting.