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Changelog - xRAT 2.0

xRAT v2.0.0.0 RELEASE4.1 [12.07.2015]

  • Improved No-Ip.com Updater
  • Fixed networking code
  • Fixed RemoteShell error output
  • Some minor bugfixes

xRAT v2.0.0.0 RELEASE4 [14.06.2015]

  • Changed Target Framework to .NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile
  • Added Startup Manager
  • Added Keylogger
  • Added Reverse SOCKS5/HTTPS Proxy
  • Added option to show Tooltip on Clients with Information about their System
  • Added No-Ip.org Support for dynamic IPs
  • Improved Client & Server network code
    • Added Buffer Manager
    • Changed compression from LZ4 to QuickLZ
    • Fixed reading of packets with length bigger than buffer size
    • Changed buffer size to 1MB
  • Improved Remote Desktop support for multiple monitors
  • Improved Remote Shell
  • Improved Settings
  • Improved Builder
  • Improved File Transfers
  • Improved Updating of Clients
  • Fixed threading issues
  • Fixed memory leak in Server
  • Many other bug fixes and small improvements

xRAT v2.0.0.0 RELEASE3 [10.08.2014]

  • Optimized connection between Client & Server (!)
  • Added UPnP support
  • Added Upload & Execute
  • Updated Protocol Buffers
  • Fixed Keepalive between Client & Server (!)
  • Fixed and hardened installation on same computer with new mutex
  • Some minor fixes

xRAT v2.0.0.0 RELEASE2 [24.07.2014]

  • Improved Remote Shell
  • Added changeable Assembly Information
  • Added Computer Commands (Restart, Shutdown, Standby)
  • Added dynamic sizes for system information (easily expandable)
  • Added Antivirus & Firewall detection
  • Extended File Manager (Execute, Delete, Rename)
  • Fixed disposing of modal dialog box
  • Some minor fixes

xRAT v2.0.0.0 RELEASE1 [08.07.2014]

  • Added Icon Changer
  • Added Remote Shell
  • Added profiles to builder (save/load)
  • Added motion detection algorithm to Remote Desktop (40-50% faster)
  • Added monitor selection to Remote Desktop
  • Improved Admin Elevation (waits 3sec before finally shows)
  • Improved System Information
  • Improved Task Manager->Start Process
  • Improved uninstall command to leave no trace on computer
  • Improved settings XMl writer/reader if no settings file exists
  • Fixed rare bug with uninstall command
  • First Stable Release

xRAT v2.0.0.0 BETA2 [16.05.2014]

  • Added Update Function
  • Added renamer (thx li0nsar3c00l)
  • Added loading information to System Information
  • Added some additional checks to validate PE-Files in Download & Execute command
  • Improved version information
  • Admin Elevation Trick now gets the language from the System not from GeoIP(thx Domi)
  • Fixed showing wrong country flag when country is unknown
  • Some minor design changes

xRAT v2.0.0.0 BETA1 [14.04.2014]

  • Added custom social engineering tactic to elevate Admin privileges (betabot's trick)
  • Supports 9 languages
  • Added System Information
  • Added Show Messagebox
  • Added Visit Website [Hidden/Visible]
  • Added support for Mouse to Remote Desktop
  • Added new Status for User [Active/Idle]
  • Added Statistics for Connected Clients and Traffic
  • Added Zone Identifier Deletion after downloading Files
  • Added Transferlist to File Manager
  • Moved GeoIP Location from Server to Client -> increases speed
  • Improved Startup Method
  • Improved Remote Desktop
  • Improved File Manager
  • Improved listview in Main Window
  • Fixed rare window focus bug
  • Fixed some crashes
  • Fixed some minor bugs
  • First Beta Release

xRAT v2.0.0.0 ALPHA3 [31.03.2014]

  • Added Settings encryption to Client
  • Added detection of Account Type to Client
  • Extended Builder
  • Optimized File Manager
  • Changed Builder exception message
  • Small code changes for future updates
  • Fixed flickering listview in File Manager and Task Manager
  • Fixed wrong sorting in File Manager
  • Fixed Remote Desktop crash when exiting without pressing "Stop" first
  • Fixed various crashes and exceptions

xRAT v2.0.0.0 ALPHA2 [22.03.2014]

  • Added Remote Desktop
  • Added Task Manager
  • Added File Manager
  • Added some icons
  • Improved Builder
  • Optimized code
  • Fixed connection count bug
  • Fixed client disconnect bug
  • Fixed uninstall not working when Client is built with hidden option
  • Fixed deleting registry key while uninstalling Client
  • Fixed various crashes and exceptions

xRAT v2.0.0.0 ALPHA1 [16.03.2014]

  • First Alpha Release