systems and Parallel PWM/PPM systems.
Added setting for failsafe_max_usec. Renamed failsafe_detect_threshold
to failsafe_min_usec.
Failsafe now detects when a PPM/PWM RX isn't sending ANY data out on
CH1-4. See documentation notes regarding Graupner receivers in
Documented failsafe system.
own dedicated serial port.
Added a feature to enable/disable RX_MSP.
Renamed feature SERIALRX to RX_SERIAL.
Renamed PPM to RX_PPM.
Update serial configuration checking to better support Serial RX and
telemetry by verifiying serial port features and supported baud rates.
It's now possible to use a low-speed serial rx provider via softserial -
only problem is all the current serial rx providers are 100000/115200
baud. The code changes however open the door for using serial rx and
any capable serial port such as uart3-5 on the STM32F30x
It's also now possible to use GPS at low speeds on software serial