PWM and ADC configuration is the same as the naze32 for now. Requires an accelerometer is connected via I2C2.
I2C signals SDA2 and SCL2 are on the UEXT header (Pins 6 and 5 respectively)
USART signals TX and RX are on the CON3/CON4 headers (TX = D7, RX = D8)
Onboard LEDs (LED1/LED2) working.
Buzzer support removed for now as it conflicted with PWM map and LEDs.
mma845x support disabled as it conflicted with an LED.
Relocated some NAZE specific comments.
git-svn-id: 7c89a4a9-59b9-e629-4cfe-3a2d53b20e61
added ms5611 driver
refactored pressure sensor subsystem to allow multiple sensors
couple changes in PWM driver to make motor/servo arrangement for airplane mode more intuitive
moved MAX_MOTORS/MAX_SERVOS etc into drv_pwm.h
staring to merge back in airplane/flyingwing mixes
fix for tri servo display - mwc moved it to servo[5] again, gui was broken, function not.
will probably implement custom mixer soon (motors only, no servos)
git-svn-id: 7c89a4a9-59b9-e629-4cfe-3a2d53b20e61
increased flash size to 128k, moved config data in last kbyte of that. as a result all settings are reset, please save them.
corrected hex6x mixer.
added telemetry to makefile.
git-svn-id: 7c89a4a9-59b9-e629-4cfe-3a2d53b20e61