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How to Create a Unified Target Configuration

These instructions explain how to create a Unified Target configuration for an existing Betaflight target, starting out with the latest (4.0 or newer) firmware built for this target.

1. Flash the firmware onto your board

(Theoretically there is no need for the board to match the firmware that is flashed in this step, but there is a chance that the board configuration is setting an input pin on the board to be an output pin, thus leading to a short and potential hardware damage.)

  • the important part is that this is the firmware for the target you want to convert to a Unified Target configuration;

  • make sure to enable 'Full chip erase' before flashing, or reset to default with defaults in CLI;

  • verify that your board is properly reset to defaults: The output of a diff hardware in CLI should show board_name, manufacturer_id, and lines starting with a #.

2. Get a dump of your board configuration

  • re-start CLI (Disconnect / Connect), then do a dump hardware, save the output into a file with 'Save to File';

  • edit the resulting file and verify that board_name is set to the target name, and manufacturer_id is set to the manufacturer's id as listed in this document. If the manufacturer is not listed, open an issue and ask for a new id to be assigned. For boards that are homebrew and / or not planned for commercial availability, use CUST as the manufacturer_id.

3. Flash the Unified Target firmware

  • find the correct Unified Target for your board based on the MCU type, according to the table below. If your target's MCU is not listed, please open an issue about this to let us know there is demand. Currently, MCU types with only one or two boards using them are not released as unified targets.
Unified Target MCU Type
STM32F405 STM32F405
STM32F411 STM32F411
STM32F7X2 STM32F722
STM32F745 STM32F745
  • find and install the firmware (4.0 or newer) for the Unified Target identified above. The firmware is available from the board type drop-down in configurator. Be aware that after flashing this firmware, the LEDs on your board will not be working - this is normal.

4. Do the initial setup for your Unified Target configuration

  • connect to your board running the Unified Target firmware, enter CLI;

  • copy / paste the contents of the dump created in 2. into CLI, then enter save;

  • when the board reboots now, the LEDs should start working again - this is a sign that the previous step was successful.

5. Add custom settings for your board to the Unified Target configuration

  • this step is optional. Omitting it will give users of your board a minimal but working board configuration when using a Unified Target;

  • set all the custom settings that are specific to your board (e.g. presets for serial RX on a specific port if the board's instructions are for users to use this port for the serial RX). Changes can be done in the UI or in CLI;

  • try to only include extra settings if you are certain that most / all of your users will want them - unwanted extra changes just make it harder for your users to use your board;

  • save the changes;

6. Create a Unified Target configuration file for your board

  • re-start CLI (Disconnect / Connect), then do a diff all bare, save the output into a file named <board_name>.config with 'Save to File';

  • edit the resulting file and verify that there are no extra lines before the one starting with # Betaflight, and no extra lines after the last line starting with set;

  • open a pull request to put your target configuration into unified_targets/configs. If you were assigned a new manufacturer id that is not yet listed, also edit unified_targets/docs/ and add this id (the list is in alphabetical order).